Part 0A: A Map

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And just because I've had some free time the last few months, I created a map of the Central Empire to give some idea of the different regions and areas. I haven't gone over these in detail, but the Empire is always divided into ten kingdoms, each with their own capital. And one of those capitals is the capital of the Empire.

Anyway, if anyone's interested, here is the map:

Note that I have no idea about anything involving geology, coastal erosion, prevailing winds, or any such thing that intelligent people might be aware of and care about

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Note that I have no idea about anything involving geology, coastal erosion, prevailing winds, or any such thing that intelligent people might be aware of and care about. This is just how I saw the world from my first writings until today. Also note that only part of the continent is described here: the Empire itself and the direct neighbors. There's a lot more that's already been mentioned that isn't pictured.

For anyone interested, I used Inkarnate to create the map (, it was fairly simple and easy to use. Would recommend it for any fellow fantasy writers out there to get their ideas down.

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