1) Unsaid Threats

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Haunted Museum

Zak- I pride myself in not being startled by a simple letter...but this made my blood run cold. "I'm fucked!"

Billy- (Raises Eyebrow) I look between Zak and the odd piece of paper in his hand.

Jay- I slide my headphones off and shift a bit in the chair.

Aaron- I look up. "Why are you fucked?"

Zak- I read the letter aloud;

'Dear Zachary Alexander Bagans

You are hereby called, to fulfill your debt.
Your arrival is expected at the Bellagio Ballroom, 3:00am and do not be late.
Your apparel should be a black dress suit, red dress shirt and a Venetian Mask of your choosing.
Best Regards, Sebastian'

Billy- (Mutters) "Never should have made any deals or favors with him..."

Aaron- I pick up where Billy leaves off. "You should have known there would be strings attached."

Jay- The others weren't helping. "It seems to hold a threat that they'd hunt you down if you don't attend. You should go and see what it is he wants."

Zak- None of them were helping, but Jay is right...if I don't go, it'll only make it worse. "I best go get ready then, uh lock up when you guys are done here." I leave the letter on my desk and leave.

Billy- "Hey Jay...is he gonna be okay?"

Jay- "Honestly...I've no clue." I didn't and not being able to see his future, scared me.

Aaron- We finish going over last locations evidence and split after making sure the Museum is all locked up.

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