2) Vampires Debt

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3:00am Bellagio Ballroom

Zak- I walk into the darkly decorated and crowded room. "What the hell?"

Isabella- I step out of the shadows, to his side. "Welcome, we've been expecting you." I wrap my arm around his, leading him through the crowd to the front of the room where my mate sits.

Sebastian- (Smirks) "Ah, our guest." I get up and walk towards the duo. "Welcome to our Vampires Ball."

Zak- "Thank you for the invite."

Sebastian- (Smirks) "Zachary, you are here to pay a debt."

Zak- "I'm aware."

Sebastian- (Chuckles) "No, no...this isn't a debt between the mundane. This is a Vampires Debt." The room suddenly fell silent as the guests eyes are suddenly on us.

Zak- I look at him perplexed. "A Vampires Debt?"

Sebastian- (Hums) I gesture over to my left. "Rosario..."

Rosario- I walk over. "Father."

Sebastian- "Rosario...this man is yours to change."

Zak- I was intrigued by the blonde whom suddenly appeared at Sebastian's side. "Wait...what do you mean by change?"

Sebastian- "You are now Rosario's Consort."

Isabella- I step away from the Paranormal Investigator and walking past my child, I give him a kiss on the cheek. "Have fun." I take Sebastian's offered hand.

Sebastian- (Smirks) "Yes, do have fun." I sweep my mate out unto the dance floor as the music picks back up and the guests return to their dancing and prior conversations.

Rosario- (Bows) I offer my hand to the startled male. "May I have this dance?"

Zak- My thoughts were utterly chaotic due to learning, that I was now a Vampires Consort. (Blushes) I take the blondes offered hand. "You may."

Rosario- I grasp his hand in mine and rest my other hand at his waist as I pull him against me. "You need to relax..." I lead us into a dance.

Zak- "I'm sorry, but my life was just turned upside down."

Rosario- (Chuckles) "You should be honored to be chosen as my consort. Especially because it was by my parents Sebastian and Isabella who are high-elders and considered the King and Queen among our kind."

Zak- "You're a Prince."

Rosario- "I am and Zachary as my chosen consort, I will never force you into bonding nor will I change you by force. What I want is to take the time and get to know you on an intimate level and have you fall in love with me before I give you eternity."

Zak- (Nods) "Okay..." I was even more intrigued by the beauty beneath the mask and couldn't wait to get to know him.


Sebastian- The ball finally winds down as the last of the invited leave.

Isabella- I watch an interesting scene from the shadows. (Giggles) Rosario is sitting on a couch with Zak in his lap.

Sebastian- I find my mate, spying from the shadows. "What has tickled your funny bone?"

Isabella- "Our son and his consort."

Sebastian- I look over to where she gestures. (Hums) "Yes, they are a good pair for each other."

Isabella- "They are." I notice Zak seems to be getting tired. "Perhaps we should get Zak home..."

Sebastian- Isabella and I walk over to the young couple. "Rosario, Zachary is tired and needs to get home...he has work tomorrow."

Rosario- I run my fingers over my consorts neck. (Hums) "Yes, beloved...you need to sleep. I will see you tomorrow."

Zak- I lean against Rosario's shoulder, my head tilted back. "Promise..."

Rosario- (Chuckles) "I promise."  Grasping his jaw, I kiss his lips. "Sleep, darling."

Zak- (Moans) Against my will, I fall asleep.

Sebastian- "Take him home." I take Isabella by the hand and we disappear, to talk to the owner of the establishment.

Rosario- I pick my mate-to-be up and shadow him into his room at Zakula Manor. "Sweet dreams, my Bella Stella Nera." Kissing his forehead, I disappear into the shadows.

~Authors Note~

Bella Stella Nera=Beautiful Black Star

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