Chapter Fourty Seven (LA)

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Matthew P.O.V

"I just don't know anymore, am I doing something wrong?" I asked Alicia as I moved closer into the water, I was about knee high as she joined me.
"Of course not Matt, I don't know what's going on it's your relationship" she mumbled looking out at the ocean, I caught her gaze and just thought. I thought long and hard about our relationship, I really really liked her no wait I loved her, I was in love with Melissa and proud of that I just dint know why she's pushing me away,
"I think we should start getting back now it's almost six" Alicia muttered then turned to me, I faced her but caught something behind her. I kept starring until it came closer and close- Mel! I starred at her until she looked up and smiled, I could feel my smile grow and I don't know why oh sati because of her.
"What did I miss?" She asked as she stood away from the water,
"Mel the sharks can't get you from there" Dakota shouted from the grass above the sand, I heard Cam and Nash chuckle so did Leesh but Mel blushed.
"Duh Dun.. Dun Dun Du Du Du Du DadadadA!" I growled getting louder and louder creeping up towards her, she looked away and shook her head,
"Your a tool" she muttered, I wrapped my arms around her and laughed
"But you love me though",
"No I don't" she said seriously,
"Wait what?" I could feel the tension rise and the beach get quiet, I knew everyone was watching us,
"Do you wanna walk and talk?" I whispered looking into her eyes, I took her hands in mine and stood there,
"Matt I don't love you I'm in love with you", the beach relaxed, literally the waves quietened down it was as if the waves were building the tension,
"Had me worried for a sec" I joked dropping one of her hands,
"I'd still like to walk though" she smiled,
"Meet you guys back at Cam's were going for a walk" I shouted not looking back.

"So.." I started the conversation watching her, her eyes flicker from the sand to the ocean than to me,
"So..." She mimicked winking,
"I don't know, what do you want to talk about?" I chuckled turning around so that I was in front of her,
"Matt if you fall over..." She mumbled watching my face then my feet always flickering her eyes back and forth,
"I won't" I mumbled, she took my other hand and held it in hers then steadied herself,
"If you fall I'll catch you" she smiled then watched my feet again, she was so adorable!
"No... If you fall.." I twirled her around then dropped her to the ground with an arm around her neck center meters from the sand,
"I'll catch... You", I stared into her eyes and leaned in to kiss her lightly, our lips met as a breeze formed, I parted away and just as I was about to un twirl her she pushed me over her and we both dropped, I had my legs wrapped around her waist laughing then realised I was probably heavy, I turned on my back and rolled over causing her to be on top,
"So this is your idea of a walk huh Matteo?" She giggled looking up at the sky then the ocean,
"This is my idea anytime I'm with you", did I just say that? I sound so cheesy what is she doing to me!
"This is why we fit" she smiled placing her head on my chest then rolling over beside me,
"I'm so weird" she mumbled,
"Me too" I laughed making crab claws with my hands,
"Oh I can make a dog!" She laughed forming one with her fingers,
"I can do a rabbit" I smiled making an easy rabbit,
"I had a rabbit" she signed,
"What happened?" I asked a little confused,
"It died..." She mumbled,
"Oh... Well you have a dog" I tried changing the subject, I didn't want her upset especially on this amazing day! Wait aren't we talking about something else two seconds ago? We can start of talking about cars one minute then food the next and then beds, she's right we do fit.
"I know" she giggled then turned over so she was facing me, I opened my arms and put one around her as she lifted her head, she moved closer towards my body and intertwined our legs, it was getting dark but it was still peaceful, the ongoing traffic was annoying though,
"Let's stay here forever" I whispered.... No reply. I looked down and saw her eyes shut, I wasn't sure if she was faking it or not... I grabbed a little scoopful of sand beside me and lightly sprinkled it on her neck... No response, I sprinkled some on her belly but still nothing.
"Melissa" I whispered slowly moving the arm above her neck up so that her body shifted, I cupped her legs in my other arm and gently held her like a baby,
"Matt" she mumbled,
"Yes my princess" I playfully joked getting up and starting to walk,
"I can walk" she mumbled yet still not moving,
"It's okay were almost there", I kept walking and walking until we got to the door, I lightly kicked the door so I wouldn't move and wake Mel up,
"Hell- Matt? Is she asleep?" Cam asked as he opened the door,
"Yep and there's sand all in her hair", I mumbled
"Just play with it and it'll come out, girls like that I do it to Dakota all the time" he smiled then closed the door, I slowly walked up the stairs one step at a time then realised I was being watched,
"You know someone could help me..." I mumbled then turned around slightly to see Cameron take out his phone, most likely making a vine.
"So Matts attempting to bring Mel to her room but this is the progress..." He chucked then turned the camera towards me,
"HA HA funny" I groaned and took a step, I took another and then two more, one more after that and yes made it! I pushed our door open with my back then rested her on the bed,
"Mel you hungry?" I asked as she shifted,
"Nope" she groaned then spread out like a star,
"I'll be back" I smiled then walked over towards the door,
"Dude" I heard Cam call out,
"What?" I groaned, I just put Mel to bed do they want to wake her! So immature the little shit, always trying to cause trouble if she wakes up I'm screwed because her in a bad mood and on her period.. Help!

"Dakotas missing"
"WHAT!" Nash called out from his room then bolted towards the edge of the staircase,
"MELISSA" I screamed then ran into the room, so much for not waking her up,
"What" she groaned,
"Dakotas missing".

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