|> Kaito Momota x Female!Reader <|> NSFW <|

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(Notes: Birthday love for space boi <3 In the works are the requested NSFW Gonta, NSFW Gundham, and Teruteru oneshots, and I try to get those finished as soon as I can, but I'm also trying to keep up with the characters birthdays, Juzo's on the 14th, Angie's on the 18th, so expect something special for them, too <3[if I can keep up with updating...])


     "Are you being serious...?!" You gaped, repeating yourself for the tenth time, mouth opening and closing like that of a fish in your startled state. You stared down Kaito, somewhat stupefied.

      You and Kaito were very close, you spoke to each other about absolutely everything and anything, privacy was practically an unknown word between the two of you. From your darkest secrets, troubled pasts all the way to your hopes and dreams, and sexual fantasies, being so close, nothing was off limit between the two of you. While this would seem like TMI to most people, you shared everything in equal parts, and you simply trusted each other more than anyone else, to that point that sharing such things seemed completely normal between the two of you.

     However, Kaito's latest confession in one such sexual conversation had left you shocked unlike anything he'd said before.

     "Yes, seriously," He growled in embarrassment, a red colour beginning to creep across and stain his cheeks.

     "So you've never had a blowjob? Not even one?" You asked, eyes still completely wide. How could this even be? All of the boys you had been with had asked you for one, how is it Kaito had never received one? Had he simply never asked? Being good looking as he was, surely girls had asked him to do it?

     "I've never had one!" He exclaimed in exasperation, the red on his cheeks not dulling in the slightest. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the head board of his bed, turning his red face away from you - the bewildered look you were giving him put him on the spot and made him far too embarrassed. Kaito grumbled, more to himself; "When I asked you to sleep round for my birthday, this is not how I envisioned it.."

        Indeed, it was the astronauts birthday, and he had invited you - his closest friend - to come to his house and spend the day. He didn't expect much, he just wanted you there with him for his birthday, and against his wishes, you had showered him in endless gifts and affections - which he didn't really hate - and brought balloons, streamers, cakes, and anything else you could get your hands on, knowing that his house would be empty for the duration, meaning the celebration was all down to you.

     "Sorry, sorry, my turn~" You chirped, finally shaking yourself out of your daze, making yourself more comfortable on the bed, cross legged in front of him.

     "Truth or dare?" He asked, finally looking towards you again.

     "Truth," You replied quickly, having a sneaking suspicion about what he might ask you next. If you were correct, you could envision a wonderful plan coming together in your head, something to grant him an extra special birthday gift.

        "Have you ever given one?" Kaito asked with a raised brow, seeming suspicious of you. You were pretty sure you'd told him this before, but you humoured him without thinking too much about it.

     "A blowjob? I have, more than one," You gave a nod. While you didn't consider yourself anything special, apparently boys did, so you had managed to gather a respectable amount of experience. Blowjobs included.

      "You've let dudes put their dick in your mouth?" Kaito asked and grimaced. You felt mildly embarrassed now that he put it that way, but you didn't feel any heat creeping into your cheeks, so you decided to roll with it.

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