|> Ryoma Hoshi x Female!Reader <|> NSFW <|

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[Requested][Roommate AU][NSFW warning][Unedited, please excuse any mistakes, lapses of grammar or typos]


    "Hey, Ryoma..." You called softly as you leaned in the doorway to his room, arms crossed as you peeked in. Ryoma was one of your room mates, since you shared an apartment with 5 other people from the school you all went to, just for ultimates. You all had your own rooms, and currently, you were peeking into Ryoma's.

       "Yes?" He looked up from the cat he had been calmly petting, resting on his lap. After much debating, as a group, you and your roommates had finally agreed to get a cat to take care of between you. There was 6 of you, surely you could manage between you, right? It didn't even take the six of you, since the cat had taken to Ryoma almost instantly, taking up residency in his room, much to Miu's agitation. 

      "I have a favour to ask..." You began, lightly pushing off of the door frame to stand free, and you let your eyes roam around his room, feigning innocence. His room was awash with shades of navy and blue, and it was easing on the eye. 

      "If it's about my hat again..." He trailed off in mild agitation, momentarily pausing his petting of the cat to focus on you. You adored his beanie hat, and had bugged him over and over again to let you wear it, but you were always met with a resounding 'no'. He has grown used to the pestering, but that didn't mean he was any less aggravated by it. 

     "Oh, come on, please!" You stuck out your bottom lip in a pout and he sighed heavily. 

      "You two are stilling having this confrontation...?" A third voice chimed in from outside of Ryoma's room. You looked back over your shoulder to see Korekiyo passing by, since he obviously overheard the two of you. 

    "I'm not lending her my hat." Ryoma sighed gruffly, lifting from the bed after the cat slinked off to find somewhere else to sleep. He moved over to meet with you and Korekiyo in the doorway.

     "Why not?" Korekiyo glanced between the two of you thoughtfully before his eyes rested on Ryoma quizzically. "What if you were to gain something from it?"

     "Gain?" Ryoma looked at Korekiyo thoughtfully, but the tall boy said no more, offering him a small nod before continuing on his way down the hall, most likely heading for the kitchen. You were both stood in awkward silence for a moment, the suggestion hanging between you. You weren't sure where your other room mates were, you were yet to see most of them today, and took a glance around though none were in sight. It was also a tactic to ease your awkwardness, so that you wouldn't have to stare at the smaller boy.

       Though you felt a warm hand envelope yours, and it gave a small tug, leading you stumbling into Ryoma's room. The cat shot out of the room as if it'd been electrocuted and Ryoma shut the door behind you, though didn't lead around you. Instead, backing you against the door as he closed it, one arm resting against the door, half-trapping you in place. You felt your cheeks heat at this very obviously suggestive move. He could've easily went around, yet he chose to back you against the door.

     "Well? What do you make of that?" He asked with a tilt of his head, eyes fixed on your face closely as he waited for your response. 

     "I- What?" Your face flushed deeper in embarrassment. Had you really zoned out while he was talking? To think so suggestively, too? God, this was ridiculous. Your embarrassment was not masked well, and Ryoma held back the grin that wanted to crawl its way onto his face. 

     "Would you offer me something in return if I let you wear my hat?" Slowly, a grin did in fact crawl onto his face. You weren't sure what to make of this situation. You glanced to his hat, which you had been eyeing enviously for so long. You did wanna wear it, awfully bad in fact... Was he being suggestive? It felt like he'd leaned in close, his chest almost brushing against your body, or maybe he had been so close the whole time, and you just hadn't noticed. You could feel his body heat, and felt the undeniable urge to reach out and wrap your arms around him, he was tantalisingly close. Your thoughts had never been overtly suggestive to him before (Though you couldn't deny your mind had wandered once or twice when thinking about him), but your desire to just be close to him was undeniable, and the urge to hold him when he was already so close was almost irresistible.

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