|> Himiko Yumeno x Mute!Female!Reader <|

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[Requested][Hope's Peak AU][Fluff][My first time writing a mute reader, so I'm sorry if it's bad ;w;]


      It was your first day at school, your new school. The school for only the best and brightest students – Hope's Peak Academy. Really, they shouldn't have accepted any more students onto the main course at this point in the year – it was almost a full month in – all the classes at Hope's Peak were full to capacity, however, your talent had recently been brought to their attention, and after a quick evaluation from the talent scout, and an appeal for extra class space, you had been accepted onto the main course as the Ultimate (talent).

      You were incredibly excited to be trying out something so new and fresh, somewhere that could cater to your talent and passion exactly sounded like a dream come true, but there was one small thing that seemed to get in your way.

      It weighed on your mind and made your gut churn in anxiety – you thought you might even have to stop in the corridor and throw up right there, but the teacher escorting you to class after a quick tour kept marching onwards, oblivious of your anxiety. The door to your classroom approached, until you were stood just in front.

     Everything was a little hazy, and you were dazed as the door was opened, the nameless teacher wished you good luck before you were gently nudged inside, and you found 16 expectant faces staring back at you, the teacher of the class lingering to your side.

     "As I mentioned, class, we have a new student joining us today," The introduced and you swallowed thickly, wanting to have a good look at the people around you but being far more scared than curious, and deciding not to make eye contact with any of them. "Would you like to introduce yourself?"

     You nodded shakily and uncapped the lid of the pen you were holding, and shakily wrote out your introduction on the whiteboard you were carrying. You held it up for the class to see.

     'My name is Y/N L/N and I am the Ultimate (talent). It's nice to meet you all.'

     "Thank you, Y/N," The teacher smiled and motioned for the empty desk that sat in the central row, further to the left. You hoped to have an end seat, but it seemed you would have people on all side. You nodded before quickly scurrying over to the desk and sitting down, hoping to avoid the eyes that were all pressing in on you. No doubt they were all wondering why you didn't speak, why you carried the whiteboard and pen, what was with this strange new girl?

      "Class, please continue with your work booklets from yesterday. Y/N, yours is on your desk, please do as much as you can," The teacher smiled across the room, before turning to the pile of marking they had to do, and the class slowly buzzed into life with chatter as they got on with the task. You kept your eyes down on the desk, flipping through the first few pages of the works booklet – maths, all relatively easy stuff. You complete the first few problem, before tuning in to what you could hear around you.

     "Hey, Y/N!" Someone called you almost instantly and you jumped, eyes darting up to the person on your left. It sounded so strange to hear your name coming from someone unfamiliar, and so comfortably, too.

      You simply nodded in response to the purple haired boy.

      "Pretty shy, huh?" He asked, resting a his chin on his closed fist. "Don't worry~! We're all suuuuuuper nice here! Or, maybe I'm just kidding, and you should be scared! After all, I am a liar!"

      "Kokichi, stop tormenting the new girl," The boy in front of this Kokichi turned on his chair, settling the small boy with a stern look.

     "You're no fun, Rantaro~! I was doing no such thing, anyway!" The boy grinned at Rantaro, before sliding his chair across the aisle between the desks so that his chair was right against yours, and he swung an arm around your shoulders. "We were getting along perfectly, wouldn't you say, Y/N?"

     "A pretty tasteless joke, considering she's too shy to say anything back," The girl on your other side glared across the desks, and you almost shivered at her fierce look, but Kokichi didn't seem to care. You wanted to point out that being shy wasn't the reason you hadn't said anything, but you doubted either of them would pay much attention to your notes on the whiteboard, since they seemed to be engaged in a heated staring contest.

     "You've probably scared her half to death, Maki-Roll~!" Kokichi chirped, before grinning at you and pinching your cheek lightly. "Watch out, she's a scary one, Y/N!"

     "You're both idiots," A sleepy girl sat in front of you turned, rubbing her eyes. She had been laying against her desk, you thought she was asleep, rather adorably. But no, it seemed she had just been laying there, and as she turned her chair, she straightened her pointed witches hat.

     "Excuse me?" Maki asked quietly, silently twirling her pen between her fingers, but the small girl didn't seem particularly intimidated by her either.

     "Wah, you're so mean, Himiko!" Kokichi yelled in mock hurt, quickly dropping his head onto your shoulder, and pretending to sob. You weren't entirely sure how to react to it, so you just awkwardly petted his head.

     "She's a mute, you dummy," Himiko responded, looking at the other two as sternly as her sleepy eyes could manage. She shot you a sleepy smile before shaking her head. "Don't mind Ouma, he's not really upset."

     "Right!" Ouma grinned and let his head shoot upright, and you jumped in shock. "I'm a great actor, right?"

     "Are you okay, Y/N?" Himiko asked, disregarding Ouma, which sent him into another fit of crocodile tears. You uncapped the pen before scrawling on your whiteboard, then holding it up to her.

     'Yeah, just a little out of my depth is all.'

      She nodded, and you watched in shock as her hands began moving quickly, and you instantly recognised it as sign language. You knew it well of course, you found it easier to talk like that to those who understood, but you didn't think anyone here would know it at all, that's why you brought your whiteboard to communicate.

     'Don't worry about them, Y/N, they're idiot's. You stick with me, and I'll take care of you.'

     'Thank you.' You signed back, your smile growing wider and wider by the second.

     "Huuuuh? What's that? Is it a secret code?!" Ouma asked excitedly, watching the brief sign language exchange, having no idea what it really meant.

      "Yes," Himiko replied matter-of-factly. "It's our magic language, just for the two of us," Her words brought a degree of heat to your cheeks and they rose with a pink blush, which Himiko merely gave a small smile at.'

     "No fair! I want a secret code with Y/N too!" Ouma whined dramatically, and Himiko shook her head.

     "No chance, Ouma. Y/N is mine now," The smile girl nodded and Ouma just wailed, and you giggled silently behind your hand. "Right, Y/N?"

    You smiled wide before quickly signing back 'right'.

    The bell for the end of this class quickly rang, and the scuffling of chairs was heard as the class rose to put away their things and head off for a quick break before they would return to the class. Ouma quickly shoved his things away and turned to you.

     "Hey, Y/N, wanna go-"

     "No, Ouma, she's busy," Himiko cut in before he could even finish a sentence, and before he could say another word, she nudged him away, and he pouted dramatically before clinging onto a boy who walked past, trying to pull his cap down further to hide his face from the small boy.

    "Oh, hi Saihara-Chan!~"

    "Himiko-" Another girl came barrelling across the class towards where you and Himiko stood by your desk, but Himiko just sighed.

     "Go away, Tenko," And she swatted at the girl with a hand lazily, before turning to you and offering you a sweet sleepy smile. You felt your heart stumble in your chest just a little bit – could it be true? Only time would tell.

     Himiko took your hand without hesitation, turning and pulling you towards the classroom's doorway.

     "Hey Y/N, wanna see some of my magic?"

     You smiled wide and nodded.


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