I Don't Like Bullies

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Lavender studied the set-up with a critical eye, not that she could really do much about it now if she decided that it needed changing. No, her 'visitors' were due here at any minute.

Her seat, more of a high bar stool really with a low back, sat prominently beside the largest screen that she'd ever seen. The things that muggles could do quite astounded her. Growing up, she'd been amazed at the size of some of the wizarding portraits at Hogwarts. This, though, this dwarfed those portraits and did a lot more than simply hold the portrait of someone long dead who was more often than not a touch deaf and bordering on senile.

The screen was set to display a video that she, Pepper and Maria Hill had put together – with the assistance of Jarvis, of course. Well over an hours' worth of footage had been compiled of the Avengers doing what they did best to protect people and to save the world. The images had been compiled using S.H.I.E.L.D. resources, Jarvis' files and even video gathered from regular people and placed on the world wide web for everyone to see.

The vast majority of the screen time was taken up with the alien invasion of the Chitauri. It'd taken Lavender a long time to get her head around that entire concept, not to mention the correct words that went along with it. Only her years alongside Harry in Gryffindor and all of his outlandish exploits had helped her believe what she'd seen.

There were other sequences as well, covering every Avenger.

There was some grainy, black and white footage of Steve from World War Two fighting HYDRA which Lavender thought was most appropriate considering the circumstances. Clint and Natasha were shown doing their job for S.H.I.E.L.D. in various locations around the world. Bruce, in his Hulk form, was shown fighting something bigger, tougher and meaner on the very streets of Harlem in New York City. As for Tony, his rescue of President Ellis, who was strung up over an oil tanker, made a very positive statement.

The only one missing was Harry. Well, apart from his Battle of New York exploits, that was. Lavender had no doubts exactly what Harry was capable of. She'd even half-considered seeing if it was possible to take some footage from a memory from the War. But for that, she knew she'd need a penseive, something that she had no idea where to find, not to mention the fact that it would show Harry's face and not in his trademark blue-grey cloak, thus defeating the purpose of the hood and spells that he used.

There had been some discussion about whether or not to feature Peter and Matt as well. In the end, considering who one of the people coming today reported to, the idea was rejected.

This footage would be playing constantly throughout the interview allowing the Avenger's heroic exploits to be constantly facing the three reporters' chairs as they interviewed Lavender.

Hearing a sound behind her, Lavender quickly assured herself that her fringe was covering her scarred face before turning around, a welcoming smile on her face.

The woman first through the door wore a deep blue, mid-thigh length dress. Her blonde hair was cut just below her shoulders and looked as though she'd already had it professionally styled ready for the cameras. And cameras there would be – two of them, it seemed, as a pair of men carrying them and their tripods entered straight after the woman.

"Christine Everhart, I presume?" Lavender asked, her hand outstretched as she crossed the floor to meet her.

"That's right," the host of WHiH replied. "I'm guessing that you're Lavender Brown, Public Relations Officer for the Avengers?"

"That would be me," Lavender smiled, her eyes shifting to watch the cameramen wander past to begin setting up.

"So, which Avengers do we get to interview today?" Christine asked.

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