Change, Change, Change

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"For being retired, the Avengers do seem to be constantly going off on missions quite often."

Tony knew that voice. Hadn't heard it in a while though.

"Point Break! When'd you get back?"

"I returned to Midgard almost a week ago," Thor replied, striding forward towards the group that had just arrived back from Wakanda.

Well, the group minus Johnson. He'd barely landed the quinjet when the woman had punched the rear doors open and had leapt from the craft only to enter the one next door, along with a second woman that Tony didn't get a good enough glimpse of to recognise, before Sam had lifted their quinjet and rocketed away.

"It's good to see you, Thor," Steve said, shaking the Asgardian's hand.

"You as well, Captain," Thor replied before nodding to another of their group. "Seidhr."

Seeing Thor turn towards Pepper, Tony hustled forward, placing himself between the two.

"Nah uh," Tony began, only to be subsequently pushed aside by Pepper who promptly gave Thor a hug.

"I'm pregnant, Tony, not an invalid," Pepper admonished.

"You are with child?" a clearly happy Thor boomed. "That is cause for much celebration."

"But Thor doesn't know his own strength," Tony didn't whine. "I don't want him inadvertently hurting you or the baby."

"I would never hurt the Lady Pepper," Thor replied sounding indignant.

"Is that someone new?" Steve asked, nodding towards the upstairs window.

"Indeed, a friend and ally," Thor replied. "I met Carol on the Kree home world."

"While you were looking for answers?" Steve asked, leading the group inside.


"What'd you find?" Harry asked.

"Nothing solid that I can bury Mjolnir or Stormbreaker into as yet," Thor frowned.

"Stormbreaker?" Tony asked. "Is that like a euphemism for your fist or something?" Seeing the incredulous looks directed at him, he continued, attempting to defend himself. "What? He's the God of Thunder, isn't he? It makes sense!"

"No, Stark, Stormbreaker is my new weapon," Thor replied and held out his hand.

A whooshing sound preceded the meaty thwak that a large axe impacting with Thor's hand made. Its handle was long, meaning that the axe itself came all the way up to Thor's chest.

"A new weapon? What are you going to do with two weapons?" Tony asked.

"He's got two hands, doesn't he?" Nat shrugged, eliciting a mighty laugh from Thor and a chuckle from the new woman who was approaching.

"That is precisely what Eitri, the Dwarven King who crafted Stormbreaker said," Thor said. "But have no fear, Stark, Mjolnir will not be cast aside, after all, both the Vision and the Seidhr can wield the hammer."

Instantly, Tony whirled on Harry, as, he noted, did everyone else there.

"You can lift Mjolnir?" Tony asked incredulously. "Nope, don't believe it."

"I'm with Tony on this one," Steve added. "We all tried to lift Mjolnir at the party before Ultron crashed it. None of us could so much as wiggle it."

"That's not true," Nat frowned. "Potter here never got a chance."

"Don't look at me!" Harry exclaimed, "I've got no idea where Thor's got this idea from."

"Thor?" Tony asked, spinning back to the Asgardian. "You care to explain that claim of yours?"

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