Sick Boy (Spencer)

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Spencer?" I knocked on the bathroom door for the fifth time. "Spencer, come on. Open the door."

"N-No! I'm fine!"

"I've heard you throw up three times. Open the door, Spencer, or I'm kicking it in."

I heard him groan, a low sound, before the sound of the lock being turned echoed through the house. The door opened, revealing an extremely pale Spencer, his hand over his stomach as he used the other hand to hold onto the counter.

"I'll start a hot bath." I brushed by him and went to the tub.

Spencer collapsed to his knees in front of the toilet as I turned the faucet knob on. I made sure the water temperature was warm before I plugged the drain and turned to Spencer. He had just finished throwing up, wiping whatever was on his mouth away with his shirt sleeve.

"Do you think it was something you ate?" I asked.

He shook his head, and I noticed the small beads of sweat that ran down his face. I got to my feet and glanced at the trash can beside the toilet. A small vial sat on top of a mess inside the can. I bent down and picked it up to see the word DILAUDID with a liquid measure beside it.

"You're going through withdrawal again." I whispered. "Spencer, didn't I tell you the last time this happened that you need to stop?"

"I tried, (Y/N). I honestly did. I couldn't stop myself when you were attacked during the case we got the day after I told you I would quit." A look of pure fear and guilt combined covered his sickly pale face.

It was as if his words reignited the burning pain I had felt four months ago when an UnSub who had held me captive dragged a molten hot iron rod across my back.

"Take your clothes off, and get in the tub. Leave your boxers on if you're uncomfortable being completely naked in front of me." I put the vial back into the trash can and checked on the height of the water in the tub.

I rolled up the sleeves of my shirt as I looked at him once again. Spencer was a pale and skinny man, some muscle here and there from doing a lot of physical work during our job, but he had turned a ghost white color from going through withdrawal.

"Get in, String Bean." I smiled at him.

Spencer blushed, his cheeks barely changing color as he walked over to the tub. He kept his boxers on, demonstrating his discomfort of being completely naked in front of me despite us dating for several months and having sex a few times after stressful cases. He eased himself into the water, and I turned the faucet off once the water level was high enough. I smiled ever so slightly as Spencer closed his eyes and laid his head back.

"Hey, Mister. Don't fall asleep on me. You'll drown if you do." I said, splashing him in the face.

Spencer groaned and looked at me.

"I'm never taking Dilaudid or any other pain killer again."

"You won't be saying that the next time you get hurt out in the field."

Spencer Reid/ Matthew Gray Gubler One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now