Wounded Pt. 1 (Spencer)

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Everyone in the FBI knew about the risks and choices we'd eventually have to make. No matter what division of the organization you worked for, someone's life was always on the line. More times than not, it was an agent's life on that thin line than a victim's or suspect's simply because we were willing to give up our lives for someone else. I learned this the hard way.

It was a small case within the Quantico area. A man had been assaulting women at night clubs, and we were given the case to fill in the few days we had without one. We knew the suspect's name and where he lived, but he wasn't home when we checked his place. The team was divided into pairs of two so we could check all of the night clubs without wasting time. I had somehow ended up being paired with the genius of the team, Spencer Reid. It wasn't entirely uncommon that we were paired up, Hotch usually being the one to stick us together because we were the youngest two on the team.

"Why exactly do we have to pretend to be a couple?" Spencer asked.

"A piece of this man's motives is that he goes after women who come in with a man." I explained.

"Are you telling me that we're using you as a pawn if he's in here?" Spencer immediately stopped walking.

"I'll be fine, Spencer." I turned to look at him. "Sure, I haven't passed my carrying test, but Hotch still lets me carry a pocket knife."

"I don't think this is a good idea." His face scrunched up in concern and uncertainty.

"Just relax, Reid."

I took his hands and pulled him toward the dance floor of the night club. The blaring music made it hard to hear what the men were yelling as they danced with women. Spencer seemed tense and nervous as I got him to dance.

"Suspect is watching me." I whispered to him, getting closer so he could hear me.

"Seriously? He's actually here?" Spencer's voice was filled with panic.

"Yeah. Get Hotch on the phone. I'll try and isolate him." I turned to walk away.

"By doing what?"

Spencer's grip on my arm was gentle as he stopped me from walking. I turned to look at him, smiling slightly as I brushed his hand away. I made sure to make eye contact with the suspect as I walked toward the only set of bathrooms in the night club.

I shook my head slightly as I looked back into the crowd, noticing the man following after me. I slipped into the women's bathroom, and I was quick to tell the young teenagers that were in the bathroom to get into one of the stalls and to not come out. I leaned against the sinks as the door opened, and I gave a gentle smile as the man stepped into the bathroom.

"Well, aren't you just a cute little thing?" The man smiled as he ran his eyes over me.

"I'm not too little, am I? My boyfriend likes to make fun of my short stature." I pouted as the man walked closer.

I had to keep myself still as he ran his hand down my side. I playfully smacked his hand away to keep him from touching me more.

"No, no, Darling. No touching the merchandise." I stated.

I could hear one of the two teenagers hit something in the stall, and the man turned to look. I took a deep breath as he turned and walked toward the stall. I coughed to hide the sound of my knife slipping out of its sheath that was hooked to my side. The man reached forward as if he was going to try and open the stall, and I quickly stepped forward. I swiped my leg across the floor, knocking the man off balance and causing him to fall to the floor.

I struggled to pin him down, and he was able to roll over onto his back, a gun in his hand. He aimed it at my side, and I braced myself for the pain as he pulled the trigger. The two teenagers screamed at the sound of the gun shot, and I fell to the side.

"You've got some nerve, Bitch." The man growled, getting to his feet and standing over me.

I pressed my hand over the bullet wound, and I tried my hardest to crawl backwards and away from the gun that the man had trained on me. I let out a shaky breath as he hesitated.

"You shot me once! Too scared to kill me in public?" I asked.

"No. I'm just trying to memorize that painful look on your pathetic face." He answered.

He aimed the gun at my leg, and I screamed at the pain that shot through me when he pulled the trigger. A second gunshot rang in my ears, but I didn't feel any pain. I heard a body hit the floor as I rolled over onto my stomach.

"(Y/N)!" Spencer's voice cut through the ringing in my ears.

"Get the girls out!" I croaked, grinding my teeth as the pain in my leg got worse.

Spencer stepped around me and the man, heading to the bathroom stall. The two girls stepped out after unlocking it, and I groaned as I watched them run out. I somehow got up into a sitting position, and I was going to try and stand up. Spencer immediately stopped me.

"You lured him in here, didn't you?" He asked, looking to the man's body. "Are you really that stupid?"

"I didn't know he had a gun." I replied.

"You still shouldn't have lured him in here! Gun or not, what if he disarmed you and killed you? There were two girls in here that he would've gone after if he did kill you!"

"Let's yell at the critically injured another time, Spence."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2019 ⏰

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Spencer Reid/ Matthew Gray Gubler One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now