☪️Preface: Solitary Hide And Seek Princess✡️

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You stood in front of Akademi High School, one that has been through with the police many times before. A school with many problems. You wore the uniform of a freshman. This school had quite the reputation, thinking of the incident of nineteen eighty nine.

Your sunken eyes looked around the front of the school. It was kind of bland. The students all had their own friends already. Being the quiet girl you were you had no firends. Friends? What were those?

You held your small frame close together and kept your head bowed and your eyes directed on your feet as you roamed the Halls. Your class was something along the lines of 1-3? Each floor was for the year of students. First years have classes on floor one, second years on floor two, and so on.

Your hair fell in front of your face so all your eyes could see were your shuffling feet in front of you, already changed into your school shoes. It's not like you had any others that could impress anyone. 

You find the classroom and sit down in the desk in the back corner near the window. You know, the main character's spot in the classroom. You didn't care about anime stereotypes, you just wanted to be away from everyone. It was something etched into your brain since childhood, loneliness. You were always alone, so you always were alone, so you would think you wanted to be alone.

Other students poured into the class. None took any notice of you quietly tucked away in the corner. Class started and the teacher would have counted you absent if she hadn't called out roll verbally and you raise your hand timidly when hearing your last name.

Class ends for lunchtime. You don't now have any lunch. You were used to eating once a day anyway. It wasn't like your family noticed you much. You weren't exactly a presance in the world. A quiet little thing who kept to herself because of a lonely childhood.

You made your way around the halls, trying to familiarize yourself with the schools. You say a student council member named Akane. You heard the two disputing boys say he ran name and drool over her. You just kept walking to the Northern Wing Of the second floor.

You find a room that particularly interested you. Candlights beckoned you in. You peeks your head inside to make sure nobody was in there. One person was and she smiled at you. She wore the uniform of a fourth year. She had midnight blue hair. She had a resting b*tch face and a dark around her neck. She noticed you.

She motioned for you to enter and shyly you stepped into the room. Somone even acknowledging your existance was enough attention to last you a long time. You slowly walk up to her.

"Who are you?"

Her voice was deeper than most girls's. Her hair covered an eye and was long, reaching to her waist. She never took her scowl off her face. She held a book in her other arm, it read the art of divination on the cover.

"A first year? Are you interested in the Occult? My name is Kuro Rito. Would you join our club? It would give us just enough members to function."

In this school, a club must have five members to be operational. You read it in the student handbook this morning. It's not like you're parents read it with you or forced you. You were lucky if they fed you. 

The Occult? What exactly was the Occult? Demons? Rituals? Dark Magics? Paranormal studies? Unusual arts? It was...different. That was for sure. You didn't speak, you weren't sure you could for a moment. You turned when the door slid open once more. You friend and saw a first year boy with midnight blue hair grazing his shoulders, almost identical to the girl's, walk in with  melancholy expression. Your heart felt a pang Of some sort of rushing sensation.

"Onee-sama, do you have any spare food?"

The girl sighed and went to her bag in one of the corner chairs of the clubroom. You looked down and saw yourself standing in the middle of the star. Your hair fell over one of your depressed eyes. The other looked up at the boy. His eyes met your side and they just stared into eachother for a while. 

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