♏️Chapter Two: You are a worthless child worthless child worthless child.☮️

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The lunch bell rang. Oko stood up instantly and looked over at you, still staring at your desk. Lessons we're in in English ear and out the other. There was no true point for you. You just were a useless child, and unwanted child

Oko went behind you and placed a ahand on the center of your back. At the contact you looked up at the boy. He held out a hand for you to take. Your small, bony hand slipped into his slender smooth one. He pulled you out of the chair, which was like lifting a doll. He let go of you. 

"Come on, lets go to the roof. I heard the Basu brothers go up there more."

Oko had a theory the Basu brothers were connected to some demonic spiritual business. He learned about the two last year and now he stalks them to learn more. You follow him because you have no other friends. Oko's only other friends were the rest of the he Occult club. The rest of the club didn't like you very much because you were so close to Oko.

He started walking and year out grab the backmof his shirt so you don't lose him. You always were scared of being left all alone again. You hated being alone. You were scared of a lot of things, but the Occult was never one of them.

Students gossiped and giggled as you passed. Oko let it just slide but you were self conscious about it. You just walked closer to Oko, your frail fingers latched onto the bottom of his school uniform.

You make it to the roof, somehow. You sit down at a bench while Oko leans behind the wall and around the corner to hear the conversation of the Basu brothers. You had no lunch, like normal. Oko had one in his bookbag. You never needed to eat. Your body regulated to the one meal a day, and you could hardly call it a meal.

Oko sat down next to you on the bench, still listening to the boys go on about what was happening. He took out his bento. You just looked st the sky, it was a pretty sight at one in the afternoon. You leaned against the wall, trying to forget everything.

"You okay, (Your name)?"

You look over at the reserved boy. You looked down at your tiny hands and nodded. Being near him was happy for you. He was the only way you felt happy. A green haired girl approached you with her phone in hand.

"Wow! You two are a cute couple! How long have you been dating?"

She seemed excited essentric. Oko glanced over your way to meet your frightened gaze. What do you say?! Oko was panicking with the same question. Both of you flushed red. You began to twiddle with your thumbs and Oko looked everywhere but at you.


"We aren't.....dating....

The girl's smile faltered but she still had her energy. 

"Oh. Sorry! I'm Midori Gunrin! Who are you? Wait! I know who you are! You're the really creepy kids from the Occukt club with a really bad reputation!"

She had to rub it in Huh? You looked down, cringing to yourself. Tears wanted to pour at remembering how hated you were by the school. Words in permanant marker are probably being written on your desk right now. Some first day of school.

Oko looked over at you and patted your back gently, knwoign hiw fragile and malnourished you were. He tried to Fox thst but you refused much food. It was terrible and sad. Oko actually just straight up hugged you and he looked up at Midori.

"Please...don't mention that."

Midori looked guilty and she sat on the other side of you, despite not knowing you. You felt a little.... heartwarmed at the kind gesture she was makign towards you.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me! Uh... what's Your name?"

You looked guiltily in her eyes, leaning back into Oko more for comfort. The shy boy was blushing while you were doing this, but he knew about your fragile heart so he let you. What are 'friends' for?

"I....I'm (last name) (your name)."

Midori grinned and stood up. 

"Well it's nice to meet ya!"

With that, Midori skipped off happily. You looked up and saw Oko. He rested his chin on your head. He used his hand to wipe your eye. You had tears there? Who knew.

"It's okay (Your name)... it's okay...."

He whispered nice things to you. Every so often he'd reach for a part of his bento and eat it. He tried to get eat you to have some but you wouldn't eat. You just stayed there with Oko on the secluded roof.

It was....nice...

Then class was about to begin soon.

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