♒️Chapter Four: Feels Like Home⚛️

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Oko carries you in the door. He places you down on the couch and goes to his room to change out of the bloody clothes. You whimper to yourself and clutch yourself. Oko's parents aren't home which is kind of odd. 

Oko comes back in his normal daily clothes and he crouched down next to you, worried for your wellbeing. He gets a bunch of zipbloc baggies filled with ice because he had no ice packs. He places them all over your body, causing you to shiver.

"I'm so sorry...."

You reached up to his face and caressed it. 

"Th...thank you...."

Oko was guilty of killing a girl, his peer. He was just so mad when Musume started attacking you. He just went for it and took her down. Why were you thanking him though? He killed Musume.

You smiled at him and felt your arm fall back to your side with pain. Oko saw you wince and he gasped, making sure every ice bag was in place. He kissed your forehead shyly and you blushed. You felt the ice bag on your forehead melt a little faster.

"(Your name), does it hurt too much? Are you hungry? Can I get you anything?"

Oko was frantic, that was a first film for the usually slower speaking boy. You shook your head and smiled at him. Oko could make you smile by just existing. The door of the house opened and you both gasped at who you saw.

Kuro, who was in college, walked through the door in her normal clothes. She saw you on the couch, clearly hurt, and her little brother  at her side acting like a nurse. Kuro froze and the  smirked.

"I have a feeling I missed a lot."

"Onee-sama?! You're home?!"

"Oko, What's happened to your girlfriend?"

He looked down regretfully. Usually that was teasing but now it was true. You tried to sit up but you winced. Oko turned his attention to you and he ushered you back to relaxing position. Kuro came to your side a alomg with her little brother.

"Hey (Your name), you okay?"

You gave a small thumbs up. Kuro And Oko sharer a Look before Kuro entire to the kitchen. Oko sat down on the floor next to you. Oko took your hand into his and he rubbed his thumb around your hand lovingly. 

Kuro, from the kitchen, oils go glance over wt you two. She knew you'd end up together in the beginning. High School is Hell, but together she knew they could do anything. Hopefully the hurt will stop soon.

You And Oko looked lovingly at eachother. He bent down and kissed your forehead once more. You didn't deserve Oko, he was the best.


Utsudere Simulator [Oko Ruto x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora