💟Chapter Three: Musume♎️

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Oko stands up and gestures for you to as well. You had to get back to class, lunchtime was almost over. You get up and grab his sleeve. Oko, thinking about the question Midori asked, took his slender hand and wrapped it around your bony fingers. With a blush, you looked into his timid eyes.

"S-so you don't get lost."

You let out a weak smile and take his hand, entwining fingers. Midori slips along next to you guys. She sees you holding hands.

"Oh! Are you dating now?"

She giggled like a child. You looked down shyly with a mad blush. Oko stared into Midori's yes about to say something when he lost courage and just looked down. He had a ghost of a smile wiped on his face.

Oko's eyes went to the top of your head. He used hid free hand to place it on your scalp. You flinch and look up at Oko with your extremely red face. He was smiling at you. You couldn't help but but smile too.

Midori jumps in front of you and takes a picture. She grins.

"Ooh! You are! Aren't you? So cute!"

You grew flustered. She took a picture. Worst case scenarios ran through your head. What if She posts it on Facebook? What if a bully gets it? What if people start targeting Oko? Oko just squeezed your hand in a slothful reassurance.

Midori jumps between you two and takes a selfie. She giggled. The photo had Oko with his eyes wide in surprise and you had your dark navy hair in front of your eyes but a smile on your lips. Midori hawks at the photo.

"Oh! I'm sending this to YandereDev!"

Oko panicked and grabbed her phone, abusing Midori to pout.

"Hey! Give it back!"


Midori crossed her arms.


Oko gave back her phone and hugged you in reassurance. You leaned into Oko again, genuinely happy. Midori checked her phone and exclaimed:

"We're gonna be late!"

She ran off the roof. You and Oko also took off, but you had your hand in his because of your irrational fear. You somehow make it into class before the teacher so a lucky break. You make it to your desk. More graffiti is on yours but not Oko. The teacher walks in so you couldn't name wipe it off.

Oko looks sadly at you but you make it through. That was enough happiness and attention to last you a lifetime. You were actually smiling during class. You still weren't noticed, however, but you were happy.

After class it was cleaning time. Oko was in charge of the windows and after a half hour you'd meet in the Occult club for the club activity. You didn't have cleaning duties for the first day so you could go to the East Fountain and get away. 

You did exactly that.myou satmon the fountain and watched the cherry blossoms fall. You were happy and smiling. That's when Musume walks up Tom you with a cocky smirk. She had her hands on her hips.

"So the freak is happy? That little demon boy probably confessed to you. Creepy love must be so interesting."

You looked up at the bully and your smile fell. She had a baseball bat in her hands and a smirk. She had that look like she was going to make you suffer. Your face changed from cinetent to fear. You clutched your hands into eachtoher.

You didn't say a word. You stood up to just walk away like Oko said to do. But she grabbed you by your hair (or back of shirt if you have short hair) and she lifted you up. She's threw you onto the ground.

"Don't you dare try to leave! I'm not done with you!"

Musume slammed the baseball bat I To you're stomach, causing you to cough up blood. Since you were so skinny she also hit your rib. You squirmed and tried to run but she was pinning you down.

"Die! Did you freak!"

Musume wasn't just a bully, she was insane. It was like someone broke her mind and made her become a mindslave. Oko walked outside, hoping to see his new lover happily sitting under the trees for once. But what he didn't saw was someone assisting her with a baseball bat. 

Oko felt a rush of anger he never had before. He rushed Musume and tackled her down. Musume tried to swing the bat at Oko bunt her wrists were against the down. You whimpered and went into feedle position with soft sobs.

Oko had a pair of scissors in his pocket for some reason, so he stabbed her in the heart before he could hurt you. He gasped and stood up. He stepped away form the corpse with blood on his hands.

"(Y-your name) I-"

Oko looked over at you and gasped. Hey ran to your side and fell to his knees. Hen didn't know a ether to touch you or not. You hadn't bruises all over. You barely opened your eyes and you saw Oko. He had red stains all over but you didn't care.


You breathed out. You're lungs hurt and your ribs felt like they were on thread from snapping. Oko was hesitant to Touch you. Oko looked guiltily at the corpse of Musume. He remembered an incinerator near the school.

"Hold on....I'll...I'll take care of this. I'm so sorry...."

You tried to sit up but you couldnt. You were able to see him pick up a limp Musume. Did he...did Oko kill her?! You waited for him to dispose of everything's before he picked you up bridal style.

"Come on, lets go to my house..."

Since you had no one to take care of you and all. You actually were...thankful Oko took care of Musume for you. You....you only could feel pain in your body. Oko carries you home to help with the pain, blood stains and all.

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