Chapter 1

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"SANG," my mother shrieks as I slowly wake up.

Not wanting to enrage the bitch... eck hmm I mean beast I jump out of bed and head to her room. Avoiding the boxes that crowd the hallway I make it in record time. Crossing the threshold to hell I feel a slap at my left cheek. Son of a bitch.

"When I call you I expect you to run do you understand me." She is practically growling at me.

Knowing this is a battle I'd never win I just nod my head. God I can't wait for my next mission to get out some of this aggression. I've been so pent up lately and for the life of me I don't know why.

"Take the boxes in the hallway to the moving truck. We have a hour and everything that is coming with us needs to be in the truck within that hour. Do you understand what I am telling you."

I'm not a retard. Taming my subconscious is harder everyday. I nod and head to the boxes. While picking up the first load I try to think about what I packed. Pretty sure I packed my radio, my books, the dairy I have kept in secret and that's coded, my tapes, my clothes.... The very few items of clothing. Then I think about the secret stuff my needle point knife, karambit, the spear point knife, the two glocks, my swissminigun, the sniper rifle, sub machine gun, the extra amo, my poisons and other goodies. Once I reach the moving truck I install a hidden door so I can put my stuff away with out any notice and it won't "accidentally" end up in Marie's room. She has found my stash and taken it before, my mother didn't believe i was smart enough to posses this stuff so she didn't listen to her. Thank goodness that could of ended badly.

Humming to myself I finished loading all the boxes in the hall and kitchen. I was able to load most of my stuff before we left. Unfortunately i had to leave behind a couple boxes. I sigh as i think of the shopping for clothes I'll now have to do discreetly. We are moving from Los Angeles, California to Charlestown, South Carolina. Why you ask.... No fucking clue. I loved LA, I mean it's perfect for what I do. There are so many horrible people here that I don't even flinch when the call comes in. But now I have no idea what to do, it's the south I mean aren't most people warm and hospitable.

Groaning to myself I stare out the window of my fathers new business car and think. What in the world is a assassin going to do in South Carolina. I have enough favors and money to be ok, oh let me explain the favors. The organization that has employed me is called the academy. A few years ago after the worst beating of my life... well at the time it was. I was approached by a man, his name isn't important but what he did for me changed my life. You see he was going to help me leave my parents, but the kicker was I don't exist. Dum dum dum.... Sorry a little cheesy I know but it's true, no birth certificate, no social security card, no passport, and every school picture day I wasn't allowed to go. Hell my parents don't even have pictures of me. Sorry sidetracked, anywho once he realized I was a ghost they kept me put. I know sounds dumb right, why couldn't they remove me from my horrible situation if I don't exist. You'd think it would be easier to remove a invisible person, but no because if they removed me they would have to document it somewhere. Either with my new family or in a new school, whatever my mother and father are doing it works and has for the last sixteen years. The academy doesn't want to risk me becoming someone, so I have had to suffer.

Ok so the way the system works, favors favors favors. Once you join the academy you have to complete their training, and guess what I did by myself. Which is unheard of, at 12 I was, well am the first girl to complete the training program at my age and completely solo. Most people in the academy join a team or a family as the academy calls it. Rule number one kids family is a choice, what a load of shit. Your real family the one you were born into obviously isn't a choice. So they take kids and people in general from shitty lifestyles and lives, then they send them to a boot camp and throw them with a team then BAM family.

I know I sound bitter but when you hear you can make your own family and choices to have them taken away because surprise your a ghost it fucking sucks. I am alone because of my parents, the academy was suppose to give me what I want and what I crave, acceptance. But instead I get to be alone for now, to suffer through my family and life with no help.

Ok sorry pity party done let me get back to what's important. So I'm a bad ass and yes extremely modest *snort* ahhh sorry. I completed the program, once you complete it you now owe what are called favors. Instead of dishing out the money to go through the training you owe a certain amount of favors. Once they realized I was a ghost my training became a lot more extensive, so more training means drum roll please........ A crap ton of favors. I owed 500 favors to be exact. Que whistle.... yea it's a lot. Good news is I paid off my favors and I am in the positive. How do you pay off favors and gain them you ask, well since my job is such a high risk I can demand what i think is acceptable. So I did jobs for other teams and I step in when and where I am needed. A job for me costs the academy or a team anywhere from 20 to 50 favors, it really depends on how dangerous the job is. How do I get money, well simple I work a real job on top of the academy. I also am allowed to take a certain percentage of money from the under the table missions we'll call them.

No one in my family knows what I do, if they did well I'd probably be a dead girl. Huh the irony is not lost on me. So for now I have a year and a half, one year and a half to survive before I can disappear. I haven't decided if I'll stay in the academy, if I can't get a family of my own I might vanish and create a life that's worthy of me. I smile at the thought. Well for now I'll just day dream and stare out the window as we head to our new destination.

I am Sang and this is my story.

******hey everyone new story I have been thinking about what do you think. Thanks for reading!!!

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