Scene 2 | Backstage

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The male idol walked down the stage with beads of sweat covering his face. His mic was given to a staff worker while he took out his in ear piece.

He could hear the cheers from the crowds all the way from the backside of the stage.

His members looked at each other in tired satisfaction and smiles.

They gave it their all out there.

The group walked through the halls of the music festival, still gasping for breath from their performance.

As they turned into the corner towards their room, one of them continued walking forwards.

The rest of the bunch glanced at him with wonder. He looked back with a finger pointed ahead of him.

They all gave him an understanding look of consent; some even had a twinkle of proudness in their eyes.

The lone man strayed from the group and made way to another room, this one with a certain name distinguishing it from others.

Knocking on the door twice, he quickly fixed his appearance before the entrance opened.

"Knock knock."

The boy was presented to a pair of girls that looked to be around his age with a grin.

"Ah, Jungkook-sshi,"

The male idol nodded in acknowledgement and greeted himself to the two.

"Mina, Jihyo, how are you guys? Is she in there?" asked Jungkook politely.

The young women already knew who he was referring to and both formed a blush on their faces.

"Were fine. Shes been waiting, you know?" answered the Twice leader with extra information.

Jungkook's body slightly froze in pressure, but recovered quickly in time to reply back.

"... I know."

They both let him in to their waiting room and led them to a special room.

Just from the tinted glass window which showed a part of the room from the exterior, you can tell someone else is inside.

Jungkook spent no time walking in, locking the door to make sure.

As soon as he turned around from closing the gate, he was instantly invited to a passionate kiss by the woman inside.

The couple shared lips in the dimly lit space and Jungkook briskly took control of the game.

Spinning each other around, he pushed his partner against the wall, deepening the kiss even more.

Moments passed and the two had to separate for their lungs were giving out.

Panting to breathe, they stared at each other in contentment.

The young lady eyed Jungkook's figure, which were emphasized as his perfectly tailored suit hugged his body tightly due to the perspiration.

She didn't forget to examine his face as well, biting her lips because of the hot sweat that rolled off his jawline; her legs squirming together as a reaction.

Jungkook did the same too, noting her just recently made makeup and hairdo. Lips colored like ripe apples were plump and full to his favor.

The male's hands connected just by her lower back, his forehead in contact with the other.

Their faces expressed a strong desire and need for one another.

"You did great out there." she said.

"You will too."

"We only have five minutes..."

"Thats enough, isn't it?"

The girl smiled at his cheekiness.

With that, Jungkook picked her up with his hands on her sides and pulled her body close to him, embracing once again.

Their faces crashed into each other displaying pure passion.

At the same time, Jungkook laid his lover on the white leather couch, positioning himself on the top.

The two idols momentarily stopped again, this time to the sound of thumping on the wooden door.

*Knock knock knock*

"Sana, we have two minutes!"

The Twice member gazed at Jungkook as if waiting for his call.

He didn't even say anything and went back into his previous actions.

Sana's legs wrapped and interlocked around his waist, decreasing the gap between them.

As a result, Jungkook was slightly grinding on her body. He slid his lips down to her neck, eliciting a moan from the girl.

But he couldn't go any further as the voice of authority spoke from outside the room.

"Sana! Are you in there? We need to get you to the stage right now!"

"... I'm coming in!"

At that moment, Jungkook used all his strength to push both of them off the sofa.

He helped Sana in fixing her appearance within the span of a few seconds before the door opened.

The two faced the voice with slight tension.

"There you are! We need to go!" The staff member said as she took hold of Sana.

The Twice members behind her left out a sigh of relief; they had hoped their fellow member wouldn't get caught doing something by the staff.

"I'll watch you from here. You'll do well, don't worry. I'll be here when you come back." Jungkook whispered in her ear before she was led out of the room.

"Sana! What happened to your hair and makeup!" The coordinator bellowed through the hallways.

Jungkook smirked as he waited for his favorite girl group to come up on the screen.


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