Scene 3 | Ice Cream

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"Hey want to go get ice cream?"

"I thought you went for practice with the others?"

"Got cancelled. Our choreographer couldn't come."


"Is that a yes?"

"^_^ ^_^"

"Look out your window."

Sana placed her phone on the countertop and walked to her bedroom window.

Moving the curtain aside, she looked down and saw that Jungkook was already waiting for her in his car. The automobile was parked right in front of the dorms.

With an excited look, she ran out of her room and quickly went downstairs, her members watching her with curiosity.

Jihyo asked her just as she was about to leave.

"Where are you going?"

Sana stopped and looked back, showing off a smile.

"Ice cream and my boyfriend."


With that, she left off to go meet her certain someone.

While waiting, Jungkook sat in the driver's seat; his phone in a loud call with a friend.

"You really had to beg choreographer-nim if we could end practice early today?

"I had to... Sana looked really upset when I told her we had practice on her day off. We barely get to see each other nowadays too."

"You're really lucky you know. He only agreed to ending practice because he's really fond of you. If it was any of us, he probably would have said no."

"Its okay. We pretty much know the whole dance anyways."

"Aish, Jungkook... Well have fu-"

"Shes coming! Bye hyung!"

Ending the call, the maknae abruptly left the older man on the other line to himself. A frustrated Park Jimin could be found somewhere in the city with his phone in hand.

Opening the door, Sana let herself into the car while greeting the boy.

"How did you even get parking here?"

"I'm pretty much a worker for JYP, you know?"

"Yeah, like being Yugyeom's driver to the bowling alley without telling me?" Sana teased.

Jungkook gave her an embarrassed grin while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ehe. Its a guy thing."

"Uh-huh." Sana chuckled at his look.

"You ready to go?"

With a click of the seatbelt, the young woman gave him a light nod.

Jungkook pushed on the pedal, revving the engine, and drove en route towards the nearest ice cream shop.

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