Die Engel des Schattens ( The Angel of the Shadow's)

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Genevie Ravenhallow, The feisty Scottish girl, that was in love with Elias Kaiser, they were so different but so alike. One mid-autumn's night in the middle of the Black forest on the outskirts of Hamburg Germany. There she was she was, she was facing danger, a psychotic bitch named Zoey Fischer, Genevie had gotten out of her Audi which she referred as the German Piece of shit. Because it was about 30 year's old and didn't work the suppose she'd like it. That is when she walked with her fellow coven member's into the deep end of the forest when the had walked into some of a dark ritual, Zoe was in the middle of it, she'd had blood all over her. Gen saw Elias who was frozen. Gen that night would give up her life, exhaust every ounce of magick to save the man that she.... Love's and adore's even though just the night before had just broken up with him. She had taken her hood of her cloak off her head, that is where her black curlyhair was exposed, as well as a black leather catsuit with a corset. "Get your evilvenomous claws out of him. Gen had hissed like a black cat, she had never like Zoey she felt that she was nothing more than a Nemesis. She was right, and these were the fact's one, she had something powerful that could control Elias, even though he hated her with all his might. "Elias Laurence Kaiser." She had shouted. He was not all there, it seemed like something had a hold of him, as if Zoe was the harpy or worse the siren with her deadly song. Zoe who was in an abandoned part of the woods, which had a very old century, where all the rejects, witches, criminals of Rennasiance Hamburg were dumped. There was Zoey in the middle of the fire pentagram speaking by the sound of it, old Frankish. She had a black hooded cloak on just like Genevie and her coven. Her red eye's had met Genevie who was the mother of the Witches of Hamburg. Sabine who was Geneva's right hand woman, second in command the maiden of the Coven. Shouted with her hand extended. " Daylight amulet." She shouted the next thing Sabine would do is she would get Zoey on her knee's causing anexcruciating headache for a vampire. That is when Genevie had told Sabine to step down. "Don't be selfish my dear, I want to play to..." Elias who couldn't do anything, who was frozen, just as the sand of time. Gen had chanted at least seventy to hundred times. " Now is the time, now is the hour, that I call upon your death, as I will it so shall it be. Sabine who was screaming at Genevie, that she was using up her magic at dangerous level's and that she could die. Gen never took her eye's off of Zoey she simply said in a Mater of fact voice. " I simply don't care. " she had stated. She closed her eyes and used her light and earth magic what was left of it. Right before she had exhausted her magic her last words were "die bitch." She shouted as the light was pouring out ofGenevie hands and she had collapsed. Now that Zoe was dead, Elias who had run over to her and cradled her in his arms, this was not how it was supposed to happen, she was not supposed to die like this.He had cradled her as if she was a toddler. It was supposed to be him that protect her from danger, not vice versa. "Mein Lieben..." He said softly as he kissed her forehead. As a vampire, the destiny was in his hands. "Screw it... " He mumbled to himself. He was touching her soft neckline he knew that this would hurt, but the pain would be sweet as well. Elias' teeth were like two not so little razor blades. He had taken his wrist as his blood began to flow into her open mouth. Genevie Adele Ravenhallow had died in the act of saving the man that she loved. But she would be reborn into a Vampire Princess. That was the price for her love for Elias. Because Elias could not loose her. Because without her, he is nothing. When she would awaken in a new world. Genevie, never belonged to the human and mortal world, she was far too perfect and she was never like any human girl that he has ever had laid his blue eyes on.... Eli had always known that she was one of the Angel's of the shadows. Now he could hold his Angel of the shadow's in his arms forever. Footnotes.

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