Once upon an October Nightmare:

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Once upon an October nightmare, there was a once gothic shining star born, who had an overwhelming amount of life to her, she had a voice of the darkest angels the God's have ever heard. She walks down the road with Lucifer, the fallen angel himself the only one that gives her hope from her broken shattered shards of life. That seems to be glued back together over and over again like a prehistoric pottery. She might seem that she is OK on the outside, but look into her sad green eyes, to her she is nothing but a freak, a monster, an object to be controlled. Her heart day by day is turning black as the blackest nights. It is because of her memories that are made from the deadliest poison. It is because of her memories that her heart clings to like a toddler clings to her mother. But what this broken girl yearns for the most is her will and her freedom back.She keep's her memories in her turning black heart, where they are keeping her just let go and to be free. Everybody that lays eyes upon her know that she is a broken girl, even when she picks up parcel's at the post office they ask why she is so sad; she is drowning in her own fears, sorrows, and her life regrets. She knows that her life is nothing put wrong, crumbling pile of ruin. She is slowly drowning in the sands of time.She knows there is nothing but wrong in her life, She has warned everyone in her life that she will be either walk away, or simply one day she will not be here, she knows that she is a demon deep within her soul. That she will never have the one thing that she longs for the most, and that her life is no longer her's but it belongs to her deadbeat french husband and the court of Berlin. The more and more that she screams the more and more people don't believe her, remember the old saying people only can take so much. Our broken girl is almost at that limit.In the corner of the silence of her room, her sad green eyes could cry an entire ocean filled with sadness, where her memories in her heart are not only turning her heart black, and hard as stone, they are also slowly killing her. Yet nobody but the people closest to her will even acknowledge this. She has her faults, and even if she walks the way they will be her shadow. She needs someone to carry her out of her darkness. She has so much passion, love and care to give to this world, don't let it be wasted. She needs someone to finally to save her soul and heart before it is too late. Before she cut open her wrist and tries to end it all.Somebody please come and save her in the darkest night. Let her grow her wings, and let her finally be free.

Short Stories : A Walk On The Darker Side.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ