Chapter 19

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Ian's P.O.V 

I went into the main room while I had a plate a snacks just in case if anyone was hungry. I placed the plate down on the table and I looked over and say Ty curled up in a ball crying. I walked over to him and crouched down and asked if he was all right.

"No I just want Sky home. I don't know but I miss him so much it hurts for me to be alone." He said in between crys. I came close to him and hugged him. He needed to be with someone for now. So that is all I'm doing is trying ro comfert him.

Jason's P.O.V

Me and Ender are pretty deep in the forest. We are still looking for Danny and Sky, but so far no luck. I look ahead and I see a house not far from us.

"Ender look ahead. There is a house over there." I said in excitment.

"I see it to. Should we go there and see who lives in there." Ender said. 

I shook my head in a yes way and the rest of the way we ran so we can get close to it.

When we got there Ender knocked on the door. A woman opened it and I knew who it was in a seconed.

"Dawn." I said not very happy.

"Well look who we have here. Jason, and this gril." She said while pointing to Ender.

"Ummm hi, can we come in?" Ender said nicely. 

I didn't like Dawn ever since we first ment. She was evil and everything else in between. Her and Sky didn't last long. What was again 3 months? Oh well. Sky has Ty now and they are happy togther, and that is all what matters to me.

"Yea sure. Come in." She said cheerfully.

I knew something was up with her. And I know its up to no good.

Ender's P.O.V

We are in Dawns place. She introduced herself to me. And so did I. I knew off the bat I couldn't trust her. A while later we herd screaming but we didn't know were it was coming from. 

"Excuse me. I have to take care of something." She said as she got up and went down into the celler.

"Something isn't right Jason. That scream sounds like Sky's." I said worried.

"Yea, I know it just sounds just like Sky's voice screaming for something."  Jason said.

I looked at him and we both know what we were going to do. We got up and went to the celler door. I went first and slolwey went down the stairs and not making a sound. Jason followed me. When we were at the bottem we just stop in our steps. We saw................

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