Aww... (Oumasai but the reader is also in the story)

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[F/N] = First name
[L/N] = Last name
Other than that you're fine...

Reader's POV

Ahh... Nothing but a beautiful day being trapped in a killing game with 16 other students and having no friends... Perfectly normal I suppose. We're forced to kill each other in a school but it's fine. And nothing is more fine than staring at the plate that Kirumi gave me. It's very peaceful in he-
"Saihara-Chan!!!" Well goddammit Ouma you just had to interupt my thought monologue.
"Ouma don't speak ok? I'm trying to keep my train in thought here." I said while being annoyed.
"Ok!" That guy right there is Ouma Kokichi. He's my best friend for no reason. His talent is the Ultimate Supreme Leader. He's really annoying to the others but  apparently me and his crush, Saihara Shuichi, are the only ones who can stand him. Saihara Shuichi is another one of my best friends. He's the Ultimate Detective. A very shy one actually... What I find very funny is that both of my friends love each other and yet they don't confess yet. How funny right? So I'm planning on fixing that right now! As I, [L/N] [F/N], the Ultimate Matchmaker, this should be a piece of cake! I hope... And I couldn't wait to see the look on Tsumugi's face. I bet it's gonna be hilarious.
"Can I speak to my beloved Saihara-Chan now [L/N]-Chan?" Ouma said while poking Saihara in the arms multiple times.
"Ouma-kun please stop..." Saihara said quietly.
"Nishishi~ You look really cute annoyed Saihara-Chan!"
Wow... Plan A is going pretty well. I couldn't believe this might actually work. Man I deserve this talent.
"W-wait what?" Saihara said blushing a tint of red on his cheeks. I could watch this all day...
"Hey I wanna show you guys something outside!" I said just to follow that plan.
"Hmm? Is [L/N]-Chan gonna murder my beloved Saihara-Chan? I won't let that happen!" Ouma said while cuddling around Saihara's arm. They both blush a dark red that even I can see it. And I'm blind... Like literally. Ooh here's by chance to backfire his taunts.
"Why do you care so much about Saihara-kun anyways? You're cuddling on his arm, called him your beloved, and you guys hang out a lot! Hmm... Do you love him Ouma-kun? Cause I think a lot!" I said happily. Oh yeah I forgot. They never told me they had a crush on each other. Matchmaking skills are useless if you can't even tell who the others love.
"Nishishi~ Oh [L/N]-Chan... You know that isn't true!" Ouma goes to me to whisper "I'm planning to kill Saihara-Chan!"
"What?!" Oops. A little too loud. Oh god... This is the first time I've ever seen this. Why does Saihara have a menacing glare? And why at me?! Wait no I have the answer to that. He's jealous isn't he. Well thank you Ouma you make my job easier.
"Umm Saihara? Are you... Ok?" I said frightenigily.
"Y-yeah I'm fine..." he replied... Very sadly... I need to fix this right now!
"Hmm? Is Saihara jealous right now?" Thanks a lot Ouma you really know how to point out the obvious. These two get along so well...
"Maybe..." OMG Saihara just express your love to Ouma soon!
"Anyways follow me guys!" I said in a flash. They followed me outside and while we were going to the garden area with that weird monokuma statue, I looked back to see Ouma's head resting on Saihara's shoulder.  I smiled shortly. They look cute together really. I'm just sad only 2 of us from this school can leave. At least nobody started the killing game yet. Oh look we're at the garden already. I turned to both of them and smiled.
"Look you guys can admit it. I know both of you like each other so confess now or forever hold your peace."
"Hmm? Are you lying [L/N]? Saihara doesn't like me!" Ouma said about to cry. Wait... These are real tears. Saihara please turn them into tears of joy!
"Ouma I-I... Kokichi I love you ok?! So don't cry..." Saihara said conforting Ouma. Since when did Saihara have the guts to do that?!
"As a friend or...?"
"True love Kokichi... So do you love me?" Saihara told Ouma while wiping the tears away.
"I love my beloved Saihara-Chan! As in marrying too!" Ouma said that as he's extremely happy Saihara has the same feeling.
"Aww..." I said with my hands over my heart. This is just a very cute ship... I'm glad I'm the Ultimate Matchmaker and I'm glad to be their friend.
"Can I Shuichi-Chan?" Ouma said as their faces move closer to each other. Come on say yes! Unexpectedly Saihara started the kiss and Ouma kissed back. In front of me. I wish Tsumugi was here... Oh well gonna take a picture with flash on purpose so these two can chase me down to that dining hall.


Ok the picture was tooken now time to run to find Rantaro and Kaede to ship those too!

Though nobody knows yet... Even though I am the Ultimate Matchmaker, I'm also the Ultimate Mastermind. Hehe that's right. I am the mastermind of this killing game.

I will kill all of them.

Even Ouma and Saihara.



Oumasai Random-Whatever-Comes-To-Mind Oneshots (And Stories) [A YEET]Where stories live. Discover now