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I was running. Sprinting as far as my legs could take me, I wasn't scared nor was I worried, I felt nothing. But I just kept running and I don't know why, it's like something is directing me towards hsomething important. Somewhere I have to be, I have to see. So I kept running, through a grey and white building. A nice one. I passed by doors, plants, windows, dressing rooms.

Then I finally stopped. I looked around and I was just steps away from a stage, I was backstage. But no one was here, it was an abandoned building. But it was ever so exquisite. Shiny and polished floors, waxed and designed walls. A small indoor pond with statues, big, realistic, ravishing, statues. I stood there, wondering how I had come to a place like this.

I spotted someone just across from me, on the other side of the pond. Our eyes met and we just gazed at each other. I know this person, I hate this person, but yet right now... It doesn't matter, because right now, this person is drawing me to him.


No... I can't. This has been nothing like my reality. Wait! That's it, this isn't reality. I'm dreaming! Then why can't I wake up? I can't go near him. I turn on my heels and run through the curtains and across the empty stage, to the other side. And I am now once again backstage, I find a door leading to who-knows-where and I open it. It's the costume cupboard. As I turned he was there, standing right in front of me with that playful smirk I can't get enough of.

Wait what?

Then he stepped dangerously close to me and I felt myself wanting to step closer too. He placed his hands on my waist and I gasped at the sudden movement. "Mai Klores," how does he know my name-- oh wait, this is a dream, I reminded myself. So I stopped the thinking and watched what the fake me was doing along with the fake Cameron. "Y-yes?" Fake Mai replied, "I am falling utterly in love with you, but I think I'm dead." What the hell does he mean he thinks he's dead?

Wake me up now.



I tried tightly squeezing my eyes shut but I could still see the fake us. Then I suddenly was put into the place of fake me and I couldn't control what I was doing. I pressed my lips to his then said, "you are no more dead then I am." Cameron then wrapped his hands around my neck and I felt something cool relax around my neck and the top of my chest. I looked down and there was a small diamond on a vintage looking chain. As I touched the necklace it fell to the floor, I bent down to pick it up and when I stood up, he was gone.

I then woke into reality and as cherishing as that dream was, I prefer reality. Because I will always wake up to reality and realize that I don't live life in fairy tales and fantasies. My eye lids were growing heavy on me and it kept fluttering open then back to close because of the light that radiated upon me off the ceilings. They weren't like hospital lights, they were a little too fancy for my taste.

Mural's covering the walls of medical sorts of stuff, shined chairs to sit on as people wait. High qualified pillows that feel like heaven when you rest upon them and the door was open just a crack and I could see the familiar, brown, shined, walls just across from me.


I'm in the nurse office of Bridge View Academy. That's when all memories flew back into my head, the hurtful gestures, the names, the beatings, the whip, Angie, Velvet. What Cameron told me when he thought I was unconscious but I wasn't. I remember everything and the pain kicked in too. It didn't hurt to think anymore but it hurt to breathe or make any sudden movement.

I turned my head slightly to the direction of the door and through my half-open eyes I saw a blurry figure walking towards me and I started to panic. I shook, my chest falling up and down in a frantic manor. The figure rushed towards me, placing their hands on my arms to calm me down. "Mai! Mai, it's just me, the nurse. Shh, calm down, dear." Once the realization kicked in I calmed down but my heart was still racing from the mini-heart attack. I thought another one of Velvet's friends were going to hurt me.

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