drugged and confronted

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It felt like only seconds. Minutes. Maybe hours, since I was injected with that needle... But I know it was longer than that because when I woke, I was no longer strapped onto a gurny with the fabric being rubbed into my flesh. I was no longer tied up in the ayslum. I was no longer surrounded by unfamiliar faces trying to figure me, a "patient" out.


I am in a hospital bed with... Tubes in my hands and up my nose, a bag of clear fluid on a hook beside me, next to my bed. My breathing is on short supply. It's heavier, deeper, slower. Way slower. Why am I in a hospital? Why can't I breathe? Why am I so weak that I can't function my arms or legs to move? I'm straving.

I had always felt alone in the asylum, always. But now that I actually am alone, I feel happy. I feel peace. I don't have those heartless people from bridge view on my back, trying to beat me to a pulp. I don't have my "mother" scolding me or here to tell how worthless and rotten I am.

I don't have to think about the bruises that still ache on my body, I don't have to think about what Cameron promised me when he had thought I was unconcious, I don't have to think about how I was told I'm really adopted, I don't have to think about the awful food they forced us to consume back at the institution. I can only think of nothing but peace.

That is until the door creaked and I knew someone was walking in. Was it "mother"? Is it a nurse-- Cameron, maybe? No, not Cameron. He said he will only protect me in secret, he doesn't know that I heard him. He lied to me though, he said he will protect me, yet here I am-- in hospital bed, in a hospital-- for no apparent reason.

I waited, I heard the footsteps slowly make their way closer to me. By each step taken, it would sound closer, louder. What if it's... No, no that isn't-- that can't be possible. It wouldn't, it couldn't be her.

I shut my eyes the second the person opens the curtains. I felt a cool hand stroke my forehead, right on my bruise too. Ouch. I try not to wince. They pull their hand away from me, sighing. That'd not a female, it's so obvious that it's male. Cameron? He actually came?

Then he began to speak, "Mai," that's not Cameron. I was about to cry, that-- that's-- this... He isn't Cameron! "Please forgive me."


"I'm looking at your face now and all these bruises...and cuts--" He choked on his words, I could tell that he is crying. "Damn it, Mai. I'm a terrible father. What have I become? I could have called the police the second your mo-- Annalise, began to abuse you." I forgot his touch. He has hit me to the point his kind touch died, unfamiliar and unknown to me.

"She said she would kill you if I didn't do it. I could have saved you! I could have called the damn police-- what have I done!!" He yelled as he pounded on the wall, I choked up, I couldn't help it, I cried. It was quick but I swalloed and shut up.

And so did he. I could two eyes, his two eyes bolted on me. I kept my eyes tightly shut, it was visible and in seconds he knew I am awake. "Mai..." He whispered. I kept quiet. "Mai, I know you're awake, my child." As hard as it was not to cry, I managed. I'm not his child. I don't know who's child I am.

"I love you, Mai. I know it's hard believing that. I have been a terrible father to you, I regr--"

"Leave." I manage to say, in a very hoarse and rough voice. I couldn't open my eyes, too weak for that.

He clears his throat, I try to open my eyes but the light was to bright and it shut on impact. But I caught a glimpse of him. His eyes were red but not puffy, the grey in his hair had increased. He lost some pounds, I am not sure about that one since it was a blur. His face was defintily more flushed. And he was nodding.

"Alright, goodbye. I'm sorry for--"

"Stop... Saying that. If-- your sorry, show me. You..." I inhale deeply, I sort of wheeze. "Should... Know how."

My head was turned to the side now. "I will. I promise you Mai, I will get you safe and out of that building for good." I struggled but I shook my head anyways. "No."


It took my a minute to catch my breath. I wheezed, slowly fluttered my eyes open and said; "Find me my parents."

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