Back to work

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The king and queen looked nervous "why..." the queen thought "you don't think?" the king asked as if he read her mind.!

The Queen smiled "oh my....they are in-" the king cut her off "none of my children shall marry a Servant!" the queen looked shocked "how dare you!" she yelled at him.

As they were fighting the servants continued talking " old are you Dia?" Prince Silver asked "I'm 14 " she said "so am I " she smiled "I must get back to work or else....ill..." Prince Silver looked concerned.

"What?" he asked she shook her head "nothing....nothing at all" she sounded scared and got up to clean the dishes "does your father hurt you" she narrowed her eyes "that man is not my father!" she said and looked away.

While Bubbles was talking to Prince Boomer something slipped "yeah and he beats us" she gasped and covered her mouth "I - I said to much " she picked up her bucket "I must fetch the water" she bowed.

"Wait what do you mean he beats you?" Bubbles looked away "you would never understand!" and with that she went to go get water.

"May I say , how are your eyes pink?" Prince Brick asked "I don't know........." she said "my parents or should I say my real parents died..." she began to tear up "please don't cry!" Prince Brick said "I'm sorry" she wiped her dirty hands on her cheek "I must go cook for you , thank you for keeping me occupied" and with that she went back inside.

Buttercup sighed she hated these people mostly because they sent her real father out to die in that blasted war "so what do you do?" Prince Butch spoke "I clean duh! have you not seen how I look I'm dirty , I'm wearing a maids outfit! " she felt steam going out of her ears.

"Well you shouldn't be a maid!" she glared at him "it all your fault" she mumbled "what?" she shook her head "nothing!" she took a broom "I'm going to clean, DONT and I mean DONT follow me!" she said and walked away with Prince Butch behind her.

Luke sighed just by her smile she was perfect "well I must get to cleaning!" Luke sighed "oh...really.....may I help" he shook his head "no a beautiful lady like yourself should not clean " that made her blush "oh no I would love to help" he looked up to think " can watch!" she nodded "I'd like that!" and with that they went out.

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