"This means war"

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As days passed by, the woman and the girl grew closer each day, on screen as their characters and off-screen, forming bonds the two of them had never experienced before."Maddie, it's time to get going, you ready?" Rebecca questions making her way over to the front entrance to the house and plucking the keys from the hook beside it.  "ready" she replies catching up and slinging her backpack over her shoulder. "now, even though this is the first time you'll be meeting the rest of the cast, I don't want you to feel nervous. I know they're going to love you, I mean who wouldn't, but I just want you to feel as comfortable around them as possible" she explains pacing past the flower bed. "I'm a little nervous,  but I've been in my fair share of homes since I was born so I'm pretty used to meeting new people," the redhead tells her. "okay then, let's go". 

"seriously!" the strong Australian accent resonating from Emma questions towards the brunette sitting opposite. "yes, seriously I mean, its freaky" Lana exclaims back to Emma and the rest of the cast sitting around. "and shes from the same part of England Bex came from?" Rose question twiddling a piece of blonde hair between her fingers. "yep, I'm telling you, I've spent almost two weeks filming with the both of them and its like they're telepathic, they always know what the others going to say, even their gestures mirror one another. I thought that I had that sort of thing with Bex, but this is next level" she explains laughing as she notices them both enter the hallway. " look, look there they are, watch this" she tells them as they all attempt to look 'normal'. "Hey" she began deliberately not directing the greeting towards one specific redhead. As the both of them approached matching smiles appeared on both expressions, "you look amazing today" she stated both of them. "stop it" they both said in unison flipping a firey piece of hair behind them. As soon as they both realized their comments were in sync the two exchanged a playful look and burst out in childish giggles as everyone's eyes around them widened.  

"Everyone, this is Maddie. Maddie this is Rose, Emma, Adelaide, Dania, Andrew and Colin" Rebecca introduces gesturing to each of them. "don't worry none of us bite, well maybe colin, you gotta watch out for him" Rose laughs in an accent matching the girls. "oi" he chuckles throwing a small piece of scrunched up paper her way. "nice to meet you" she says greeting each of them. "wheres my chair?" the older redhead finally asks glancing around the space. Immediately everyone looks towards the floor smirks painted across their lips. "Lana,  what have you done to it?" she questions her best friend struggling to keep together. "nothing" she insists still not being able to look at her. "Lana" she repeats. "umm do you still have your broomstick?" Emma asks. "yes why?" Bex replies not quite understanding. "no reason....you just might need it to retrieve your chair" she tells her bursting into heaps of laughter also causing  the others to do the same. "what!" she exclaims. "did you uhh..notice anything new about the building on your way in, maybe something about the roof" Lana asks finally composing herself. "you didn't" her best friend says sniggering pacing out of the building. Glancing up at the structure, sure enough, there was Rebeccas cast chair standing between the tiles. "oh my god, don't worry Maddie I have a feeling you're going to fit in just fine, we're all children after all. And Lana....this means war". 

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