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"I'm gonna miss you too, Shorty. Come see us soon." Ethan said as we hugged the life out of each other. I sighed into his chest as the thought of not seeing him every day overwhelmed me.

"Just keep me here. Tell me to stay and I will." I whispered. He chuckled and unwound himself from me.

"As much as I want to, you know I can't. You have a life in New York. We'll see you soon. Go see your not so boyfriend. He's giving me death glares." I made my way over to Grayson and realized how much I was going to miss him. No more early morning talks or late night cuddles. No more play fights or stupid arguments. No more romantic dates or casual walks. No more. I'm going home. Back to reality. Back to hell.

"Hey Cass."

"Hey Gray." He wrapped me in his long arms and we just hugged until my flight was called.

"I'm just a phone call alway Cass Cass. Don't forget that." He kissed my forehead lightly and let me go. I slowly walked away from my heaven and back towards my hell. I let my self look back once more, saying goodbye to them both before boarding the plane.


"I miss you too Gray. I know. I'll text you every single day and tag you in funny memes. I know you want me there. I told you guys I would have stayed. Please don't be like that Gray. I can't just fly all over the place. I don't have that kind of money. Whatever Gray. Goodbye." I angrily hung up on his sorry ass and threw my phone across the room onto my bed. He acts like I'm the YouTuber here and have all the money. I'm not trying to make him feel fucking shit, I'm stating facts. I miss his ass just as much as he misses he so he needs to shut the hell up. I've been home all of two hours and I've had two mental break downs, yelled at my mom, went off on my fish, and hit my elbow on the door.

Incoming FaceTime from Grayby Dolan👅💕

I declined it and began flipping through a photo album I had of the three of us. The pictures started when I met them on tour. I continued flipping until my phone began ringing signaling another FaceTime request.

Incoming FaceTime from Eatan Dildolan🍕🤪

I gave in and answered and Ethan's face filled the screen.

"Hey Cass." He said as he smiled at me. I smiled slightly and began flipping through the photos again. "You wanna talk about it?"

"Not really. Your twin is being an ass and I'm not dealing with it. Tell him to stop texting me. I don't want to talk to him right now. He pissed me off." I said as I smiled at a picture of the three of us eating ice cream.

"Gray! Stop texting her! She doesn't want to talk to you. You pissed her off." Ethan yelled. I heard Grayson's heavy footfalls and knew he had entered the room.

"Cassia I'm sorry. I know I piss-"

"Please stop Grayson. I don't want to talk about this."

"Fine. You know what, let's not talk about it at all. You're lucky I picked your sad ass anyway." He snapped and stalked out of the room. I sat dumbfounded until Ethan snapped me out of my daze.

"Cassia don't listen to him. He really likes you. He's just upset." He pleaded. I shook my head and looked down, tears dripping onto a picture of Grayson's delicate lips on my head.

"No he's right. He could have picked anyone. I was just the lucky one that got a few weeks with you and now it goes back to normal. Goodbye Ethan." I clicked end and went back to silently looking through the photos as I got FaceTime after FaceTime from Ethan.

I can't do this.

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