Chapter 1

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Please forgive any grammar problems, since this is my first BTS. But also do check out my other work called Is Eating Candy A Crime

"Y/N come on wake up!" My mom was not yelling at me like the usual so I got up and asked her immediately.

"How came you are not angry today at me, even I slept in?" I mean I wanted to know the answer but do I really. 

"This is cause we have new neighbors today and they are better than the last ones, so I won't need to angry every morning. Also, dear, can you go give them these chocolates."

I did not want to, but since my mom was in a good mood I did not want to be the on to ruin it. 

I head over to their house and almost knocked the door, but before I could someone opened the door and he did not look happy at all.  "Hi, I  am Y/N, your neighbor."

"What do you what Y/N."

"First, what is your name and I hope you like these cookies?" Hoping that my acting was good enough to fool him.

"Don't want the cookies." He said that with his head up and I realized who it was, Suga from BTS, the most popular person in my collage. 

I sighed and said, "I came all the way here for nothing." I came to give a cookie to this dude and man, he is evil. He would not except a cookie now there is more for me.

"Yes." And he kind of shut the door on me at that point, when I turned around a limousine was pulling up his driveway. 

"No way." That is when all the members came out and saw me, and I was the first to speak.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

I look at them in the eye and say, "None of your business."

"You know who we are, don't you?" Namjoon asks me, I give a fake smile and head to my house. God help meeeeeeeeeeee!

I head to my room and think straight or a minute, is this real?

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