1: The average day

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You woke up, shivering, and threw the newspapers covering you off before looking around. You were in your family's garage, where you were forced sleep every night. Granted, it was better than nothing, but that made nothing better. You stood up and stretched before yawning and carefully making your way to the garage door leading into the house. Sometimes, your parents would invite some friends over to breakfast, and walking in on them usually results in a beating. Your life was.... less than great, with your abusive parents hitting you with things they could find for the stupidest reasons, and maybe no reason at all. So far, the number of things you remembered getting hot by ranged from bottles, then broken bottles, to belts, riding crops, hands, even a Chat one time. But probably the worst time is when they got really drunk and stabbed you once. It was only once, but you'll remember the pain forever.

  Back to the present, you cracked the door open and peeked inside, seeing nobody. Maybe your parents went to work early? You could never be too sure, as that had cost you awhile back. Opening the door, you rushed to the area that had once been your room and grabbed your school uniform. School was your only escape from this place. Your grades were mediocre, averaging at the lower B's. You tossed the uniform on and grabbed a small bag that had a few binders, and some pencils. You put the bag on and ran out of the house, not caring how much noise you made.

   About 10 minutes later, you arrived at the schoolyard and panted from the run. You put your hands on your knees as you almost fell over. Eventually, you got up again as the beginning bell rang. Walking inside, you carefully got around the students stampeding inside and got to your locker, where you got some books and stashed them in your bag. As you closed your locker, you felt a sudden cramp in your stomach. Clutching it while groaning in pain, you got onto one knee. You were used to these cramps, as you were often starved by your parents, and lost an unnatural amount of weight, but you found the best way to cope with it was to let it pass. After a moment, the pain went away and you got up and rushed to your first class, trying not to be late. A few moments later, you rushed into the still-open door of homeroom and slipped into your seat, which was in the corner of the room. There, you simply stayed silent, except for eventually saying 'present' when attendance was taken. Hours seemed to rush by as you soon found yourself at lunch. Having no money and nothing to eat, you sat in a corner, trying not to get noticed. As time passed by, you picked at your fingernails to occupy yourself. About halfway through lunchtime, you barely heard a squeak on the other side of the wall you were against. Curious, you walked out the door and around to find a familiar face.

"Well, What are you going to do, Potato?" Your bully in school since the first day, Ivy, was torturing a short, black haired girl with amber eyes, wearing the school uniform. As you stepped forward, Ivy turned and looked you straight in the eyes.

"Well, look who decided to join along!" She grabbed you by your hair and dragged you by the girl.

"Alright, Who wants the special treatment first?" She cracked her knuckles as the girl whimpered. You sighed and spoke in a hoarse voice, having not used it almost at all today.

"Ivy, what the he-" you were cut off by getting grabbed by the neck and slammed against a locker.

"You first? Okay."  Ivy turned to her friends as you and the girl made eye contact.

'Run.' You mouthed at her as Ivy turned around again.

"Alright, slim. What shall I treat you to today? Hm... what about..... the good old locker?" Ivy smirked as her friend on the right opened a nearby locker, which Ivy dragged you to and shoved you inside of.

"Enjoy your stay!" Ivy yelled as you made no complaints over it. Trying to sit was no good, and you couldn't sleep due to being too hungry. So, you waited, waited as the bell rang and people passed by. Waited as another stomach cramp got you. Waited as another bell rang, then the locker You were in finally opened, and you spilled out on top of a random student. Apologizing, you got up and brushed yourself off before walking to your locker. Based on how many bells rang, it was time to go home. Dang it. You walked over to your locker and put everything inside, including your bag. After that, you walked outside, blinking at the sunlight, and started to walk home. As you passed a few houses, you heard a voice yell out at you.

"Hey!" You turned around to see the girl who Ivy was pestering jog up to you.

"Hey. Thank you for helping me with Ivy back there." You nodded.

"You're welcome. I'm Y/n." You held out a hand, which she shook.

"I'm Aphmau." She soon let go of your hand. You both stood in awkward silence for a minute before Aphmau waved.

"So.... Bye!" She said before running off. You watched her leave before turning and walking the restaurant of the distance to your house. Walking in, You sidestepped, narrowly avoiding a bottle that was thrown.

"Y/n! Beer!" You heard your father shout.

"Yes, Father!" You yelled back as you grabbed a bottle from your fridge and handing it to him.

"Now go to the garage until you're needed again!" He shouted at you, as you did what he said.

"Worthless trash...." You heard him mutter under his breath as you shut the door behind you.

An hour later, as well as 5 beers later, the door to the garage opened, and you felt something hit you.

"Eat up, you animal." You heard your mother's voice say before the door slammed shut. Feeling what hit you, you felt your hand hit some chicken, which you shoved in your mouth without hesitation. That was what kept you alive, and you weren't complaining. After you swallowed that, you felt drowsiness overcome you as you fell asleep once again.

Yeah.... this is kinda rushed, but I had no idea how I was going to start this off. But you guys voted for it, so I'm delivering! So Baii!


~1103 Words

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