2: I have no Idea for a chapter name so im gonna place this here to distract you

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Before you read, I forgot some important info about you. You are (obviously) Abused by your parents, with Ivy making things worse. You are the same age and grade as Ivy, so you share classes with her. I'll add more things if you need to know them, but for now, enjoy!

You were violently awoken from your peaceful slumber in the garage by getting a bottle broken on your head.

"Brat! I've been calling your name for five minutes!" Your father shouted as he kicked you in the stomach, earning a squeak from you.

"Now, Get. Me. Some. Breakfast!" Your father said through gritted teeth, kicking you in between words. You hurriedly walked past, only to be grabbed by the neck.

"No. What do you say?" Your father said as you tensed up.

"S-sorry!" His grip tightened even more.

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry Sir!" You squeaked he let go.

"Now make me and your mother some eggs, you know how we like them." He spoke again in a deadly voice as you hurriedly grabbed the ingredients for making sunny-side up. This had been how some days had gone. Cooking for them, cleaning for them, getting beaten by them, etc. As you finished making the eggs, you carefully placed them on plates, garnishing them. You had gotten their meals wrong a number of times, which was viewed as a 'punishable offense' in their eyes. Most things were. After the eggs were done, perfectly seasoned, with parsley garnishing it, you placed it at your parents respective spots, placing hot cups of black coffee by the spots, before sneaking a sip of coffee from their cups, and taking some small snacks from the cupboard and fridge. Yeah, that's what your life was reduced to. Stealing from your parents, getting beaten, and avoiding people at school, and getting bullied. After that was done, you shoved the snacks in the pocket of your uniform, which you had slept in the previous night. How your parents hadn't called you out for that, you didn't know, but you weren't complaining. After that was done, you gingerly made your way to your parents room and gently knocked on their door.

"WHAT IS IT!?" Your father roared, startling you. You regained your composure before speaking.

"Breakfast is ready." You heard shuffling.

"Good. Get to school, hate getting phone calls saying you're tardy." You rushed out and was about to get your bag, before realizing that you left it at school. Great. You rushed out the front door, shutting it behind you before running to school, pacing yourself a bit as to not get so winded. Upon reaching the school, you realized you arrived early. You rubbed your neck, before flinching. By how it felt, you were badly bruised, and likely had a cut from the bottle. You sighed. How were you going to hide that? You flipped up the collar on your uniform. Until you managed to get a scarf, that would do. As you sat down on the edge of the fountain, you heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Y/n!" Crap. You looked up at Aphmau, who took a seat by you.

"Hello Aphmau." You said.

"So... how are things?"

"Peachy. In fact, I have to get to my home room class right now." You said, listening to the bell.

"Oh! Sorry to bother you!" Aphmau said, running off. You raised an eyebrow. You would never understand how Aphmau worked. You stood up and got to your locker, grabbing your things again. Hopefully, Ivy would lay off today. Today was the worst day right now that you could be caught by her. You hurried off to your first class, your items in hand.

   Today had gone by pretty much normally, except that Ivy had not caught you at all today, which was amazing. As you walked into your final hour, you sat down in your normal seat, in the back corner. You paid almost no attention to your teacher, automatically taking notes as your mind wandered. As bad as they were, your parents taught you some things with the abuse. Memorizing how to do things right, some physical stuff by means of running to school, and other things. You snapped back to reality to find the teacher speaking.

"And that's why, to help you all study for the upcoming test in a few weeks, we will all be making models of one of the human systems." Multiple groans echoed from the students.

"Hey Hey, you will have groups!" Hopeful silence filled the room.

"That I have chosen." Groans echoed again.

"Now, two of you will work on one of the systems, so more than one of each system will be presented the day this is due. Today is Tuesday, so it will be due next Friday, so take note of that!" Scribbling noises filled the room.

"Now, our first group will be...." you toned out, letting the teacher drone on-

"And our next pair will be Y/n and Ivy, making a model of The Circulatory System." You froze up, gripping the desk as you looked across the room to see Ivy sending a sadistic glare in your direction.

"And that's all the groups, you may meet up with your groups for the remainder of the hour. And note: you may NOT request a change in group. I have chosen these groups because you have to get to know each other better! You may work at home or here, and I will provide some materials for you. Now go meet up with your partner and discuss what it is that your going to do. You looked up to see Ivy sending a glare at you as she walked over.

"Well well well, look what's going on here." She spoke, humor in her voice.

"Listen Brat. You're going to come to my house, and you're going to do the project. You understand?" You rolled your eyes. She reached for your neck before remembering that she was in a classroom."

"Excuse me?" She said, squinting.

"Whatever Ivy." You said, annoyed at her shenanigans. She smirked and did a sassy hair flip before turning around and walking back to her seat, grabbing her phone and texting on it. You pulled out your science textbook and turned to the pages regarding the Circulatory System, and reading over it. After a few moments, the bell rang and you got up to leave, somehow getting roughly bumped in the shoulder by Ivy on her way out. You ignored it and got to your locker, putting some stuff away, and taking your science stuff, putting it in your bag and walking out of the school. Putting a hand in your pocket, you felt a slip of paper. Taking it out, you read what was written.

Alright Brat. This is my address. Be here after school ends, or else.

Along with an address on the bottom. You shoved it back in your pocket and made your way home. The rest of today was going to be hell.

So, that happened. Before I leave you guys, I have a question for you. Do you guys like the format I write in, or do you guys prefer script format (putting names before everything said)? I'll give you guys an example if you want, but for now, have a nice day! So Baii!


~1229 Words

The Pain.... (Phoenix Drop High Ivy x Male Abused Reader)Where stories live. Discover now