6: The Pain...

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You dragged yourself towards Ivy's house, trying and failing miserably to hide your injuries. After what seemed like an hour, you found yourself at Ivy's front door. Balancing yourself, you knocked on the door. You heard footsteps before the door opened, revealing Lilly. You looked at her confused before she groaned and looked inside.

"Ivy! The brat's here!" You heard rapid footsteps before Ivy came into view.

"Y/n. Good to see you again." She said before noticing your attire.

"Why are you still in your school uniform?" You sighed.

"Cause all the time I had at home was wasted." Ivy raised an eyebrow before walking inside, motioning you to follow. You slowly followed her, taking note that nobody noticed your bad limp. You and Ivy sat down on a couch in her living room.

"Just a moment. I'll get the stuff and we can start working. Lilly, Alex, please keep him company." Ivy asked before running off. The two sat by you, sadistic smirks growing on their faces.

"Oh yeah, we'll keep you company." Alex said, thumping your back. You flinched and tried not to cry out.

"Oh, look Lilly. He flinched. Is he sensitive there?" Alex drew her hand back again before Ivy came back, her arms full with random stuff.

"Alright Y/n. I've got some stuff I found around the house and at some stores for like a dollar." Ivy looked up to see you on the couch, with Lilly and Alex shooting each other glances.

"Right, I forgot something." Ivy put her stuff down and sat by you on the couch, shoving Lilly out of the way.

"Y/n, is it alright if I tell them?" You paused, now very hesitant to even move.

"Wait, tell us what?" Alex asked. You didn't respond.

"Ivy, are you keeping secrets from us?" Lilly asked. Ivy kept her gave on you. You fingered the hem of your shirt, unsure of how to respond. Alex and Lilly looked at you expectantly. You hesitantly nodded, squeezing your eyes shut. You felt soft fingers move your shirt collar, revealing your bruise and cuts. There was some shuffling.

"Your big secret is.... a bruise?" You heard Lilly ask. In response, you lifted the back of your shirt. You heard nothing in response until you felt who you assumed to be Ivy lightly brushing her fingers over your back. You flinched.

"That's... really bad." Lilly said. You looked over your shoulder at her.

"Oh really?" You asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Y/n, what did you do to make your parents do this?" Ivy asked, more concern in her voice then was probably normal for her.

"I was late in getting home, then I left home early to get to school." You said, putting your shirt back on.

"Wait. Your parents beat you like that everyday?" Alex asked. You nodded, feeling anger fill your eyes.

"Yeah, they do. We should continue working on our project." Ivy grabbed a few grocery bags from the ground and shuffled through them.

"While me and Y/n are discussing things, would you make us some tea Lilly? I heard that it's really good, but I never tried it." Ivy asked. Lilly got up.

"Sure thing. I'll be right back." She walked out of the room, leaving Alex with you and Ivy. You grabbed one of the bags and shuffled through it, picking out clear piping, food coloring, pipe cleaners, poster board, etc.

"So, my original thought was to make a simple design of the human body with pipe cleaners as blood vessels, but it'd be cool if we made a design with tubing that pumped fake blood through it." Ivy started to explain. You nodded.

"How about this. You throw together a quick one with pipe cleaners that'll get us a good grade, and I'll look at the materials you have so far, see what I can figure out about making a functioning one, alright?" Ivy gave you a thumbs up.

"My science book is on the loveseat, and would you mind laying down on the poster board so I can get an outline of your body?" Ivy asked.

"Sure thing." You laid down on the poster board, feeling Ivy's pencil drag next to your body. After a few seconds, she pulled away her pencil.

"That should do. Let's wait for tomorrow to get one for the functioning display." You nodded and got up to grab the textbook to see Alex holding it out to you. You muttered some thanks and grabbed it, studying the materials Ivy grabbed. You could maybe use a balloon to simulate the heart, but how could you get it into a proper position? You studied the structure of the circulatory system, letting ideas gather in your mind. After you had a basic idea of what you could do, you looked to see that Ivy had glued down pipe cleaners, and carved a heart shape from styrofoam and glued it. Looking up revealed her drinking from a mug.

"Want some tea, Y/n?" You got up and grabbed a mug she offered you.


"No problem. I'll go grab some snacks, then you can share what you thought of." You nodded at the idea, prompting Ivy to leave the room and come back a few minutes later, holding a plate of sandwiches, crackers and cheese, and granola bars.

"Wow, you must eat like a king everyday for dinner." Ivy laughed.

"If only, if only. What did you think of?" You looked back at Ivy's poster and thought it over.

"It'll be the same as yours in structure, but the veins and vessels will be simulated by pipe, with larger ones being arteries, and so on. The heart will be a plastics heart shaped clear mold you got, with a ballon behind the poster connected to it acting as the pump." Ivy nodded.

"Great. Eat up, then you should start heading home. Don't wanna be late again." You nodded and started to wolf down some food. You stopped after two sandwiches, three crackers, five cheese bites, and a granola bar.

"Well, you don't eat a lot." Ivy commented. You nodded and started to head to the front door. Once there, you paused. Ivy noticed your hesitation.

"What's u-" you turned and hugged her. Shocked, you slowly felt her arms wrap around you.

"Thank you Ivy. You've treated me better in two days then my parents have in a month." You waved goodbye to her, as well as Lilly and Alex, before leaving the house, leaving Ivy in a state of shock.

Alright guys, another chapter completed. Thank you so much for reading and have a nice day. So Baii!


~1120 Words

The Pain.... (Phoenix Drop High Ivy x Male Abused Reader)Where stories live. Discover now