8: I want to die

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Quick warning to those sensitive to language

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Quick warning to those sensitive to language. There will be pretty mild language

As you walked on home, back to your parents, you felt weariness return. Wonderful. You yawned as your foot scraped some rocks, making a surprisingly loud noise in the silence of this town.

As you continued on, your home came into view. Upon seeing the address numbers you hated so much, you sighed. Time for some cleaning.

  Walking into your house, you immediately got nailed in the forehead with a bottle. As it fell to the ground, broken, you clutched your forehead and fell to your knees. You heard thundering footsteps approach you.

"Who the...*hic* hell said you could come home late?" The drunken voice of your father echoed through your aching head.

"Well?" Your father seemed to grow impatient. You breathed slowly in attempt to collect your thoughts.

"N-nobody!" You yelled out, feeling blood run down into your eyes. Your dad reared his foot back and kicked you in the chest. You hit the door.

"Don't you yell at me, boy!" Your father kicked up glass from the floor, sending it at you. He walked off, prompting a sigh of relief from you.

You stood up, shakily, and used the wall to guide you forward. As soon as you cleared the foyer, something hit you in side. Almost flying to the side, you slid to a stop on carpeted floor.

"Who said you could leave just yet!?" The angry voice of your mother pierced your ears. Your father came down the stairs, a belt in his hands. You whimpered at the sight of it, your vision stained by the blood.

  Your father said nothing as he approached you. As soon as he got to the point where you were at his feet, he brought the belt down on you. You bit your lip, trying not to scream as blow after blow came down on your back. Your lip quivered, but you bit down firmly, determined not to scream despite what was going on. It was almost like hail, how much you were getting whipped. With each hit, you felt cuts reopen, new bruises form, old ones hurting even more. Your father finally stopped, and you tensed up even more, ready for what was next.

  Just as expected, your father started hitting you with the belt buckle. Feeling the metal strap your back, you tasted blood. You were biting your lip pretty dang hard. As your father finally stopped, you heard him and your mother walk away.

"Get this *hic* place clean and go to bed." He slurred as he walked back upstairs, your mother following behind him. You shakily stood, falling to your knees at first, before finally standing up.

Work had never been harder. As you cleaned counters, scrubbed dishes, rinsed beer bottles. Cleaned the sink, vacuumed, swept, you felt like you were going to fall over. Cleaning the furniture, dusting, watering dead flowers. You felt your vision grow hazy. Organizing the foods, refilling the coffee machine. You shook your head and continued to work, occasionally heading to the sink to splash some cold water on your face. Minute after minute.

You shakily entered the garage, collapsing on your pile of newspapers. It was about three o clock, and you felt like you were about to die. Curling into a ball, your breath somewhat steadied, and you let yourself go unconscious.

A kick to your gut sent you sprawling, as the air was knocked out of your body. You pried open your eyes to see your father looking mad.

"How many time do I need to call you for you to get your ass over here!?" He sounded mad, but he was strangely quiet. You pushed yourself to your knees, looking up at your father.

"Me and your mother will be going to see a friend today. If this house isn't spotless when we come back, you will regret it. Got it?" You nodded as quickly as you could.

"Good. Make us some breakfast. You can go do your school thing when you're done." You nodded again, standing to leave the garage, rushing to get past your father. He did not hit you, much to your happiness.

As you hurriedly put together the ingredients, warming the stove. Cooking some eggs, which your parents loved for some reason, you waited for it to finish cooking up.

Carefully placing the last eggs on the plates. You carefully placed some hash browns down by them, hoping the dish at least looks good. Backing away, you placed cups of piping hot coffee by the plates. You also took a small sip from each cup when nobody was watching, hoping that would energize you. As the plates were finally finished, with eggs, bacon, and coffee, you went and found your father on the couch, waiting.

"Breakfast is done." You spoke timidly, not wanting any trouble. Your father looked up at you, putting down the magazine he was holding.

"About time. Clean up the house, you can do your school thing after you're done." He spoke before standing up and walking over to his plate, to see that your mother was already there, eating. You just started cleaning the mostly already clean kitchen. Scrubbing some pots, you kept your work fast.

  As you put the last of the dishes you used away, you heard the door shut. Your parents must have already left. You sighed and walked over to the table, grabbing some plates. Looking down on them, you saw that they had left some breakfast behind. Score.

  Washing the now empty plates, you soon moved to the cups, where they had coffee. Looking inside, you saw at least a total of half a mug of coffee. Double score.

After a half hour, you had all the dishes washed, put away, and cleaned up what mess your parents had left behind. Blinking, you sat down on the couch, wondering what to do next. All the work was done, the coffee had you pretty woken up, and you wouldn't dare go to Ivy's with the massive cut on your head. Chances were, her parents would see it and wonder what it was. Speaking of, you had never met her parents. Huh.

  You shook off all the thoughts and looked around. You sighed. Might go to Ivy's. You shook your head. She was probably doing something with her family. You sighed and entered the garage, laying down.

  There, you sat for a few minutes, wondering if sleep would overcome you. Thinking of what to do, you sat up. You scrambled to your feet and rushed into the kitchen, grabbing some snacks and wolfing them down. You carefully rearranged the snacks to make them look untouched, and went back to the garage, finishing off the snacks. You couldn't believe you didn't think of that earlier.

  After that was done, you once again sat, with no idea of what to do. As you sat, your mind wandered to school. You were doing pretty bad, to be honest. But of course, your parents didn't care. You sighed and stretched your arms out behind your head. As your mind constantly wandered to random subjects, you soon heard the door open.

"Alright! We're back!" You heard your father shout. You scrambled to your feet and exited the garage, shutting the door behind you.

"Get this stuff put away and go to sleep!" You heard your mother say. That was strange. Normally, you had to make dinner. They must've gotten takeout today. Scurrying, you got over to your parents, seeing some bags by them. Grabbing the bags, you looked inside to see groceries.

Rushing around to put them away, you wasted no time in getting it done. Taking one last look at the time, you sighed and entered the garage. It was 9:54. How long had you been sitting there? You shook it off as your eyelids grew heavy. Before you knew it, you were asleep.

Well, look who's back! Thank you all for reading. And as always, have a wonderful day! So Baii!


~1351 Words

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