Part 5

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On second glance and with the sun high in the sky the damage to the ships seemed less troublesome and time consuming then initially thought. Flinn observed how most of the damage to his ship were piles of sand, seaweed and a few ripped sails. With a sigh he picked up a broom and went to work while Miry and Donnie went to find the others. While brushing the piles of sand and seaweed off the ship's deck he couldn't help but let his mind wonder to the women and how she seemingly held on to Alisea for dear life. Several questions like: where the women came from? Had the storm carried her to the island? And, if what Alisea's words could be believed, what was she running from? Furthermore he was wondering how his girlfriend was doing and if the stranger named Willow had harmed her.

By the time his crew came to the ship, having had some difficulty find Shill only to find him at the mess hall, Flinn had cleared about a quarter of the ship's deck of wreckage. "Aye there Flinn, how about's you get a break; we can take it from here." Called Pablo as he walked on deck, "Sorry for the wait, but we had to find my brother first and let's just say; he was where I thought he was going to be but we didn't look there first." Apologized Donnie while giving her brother an annoyed and angry look over her shoulder, which made him give his friends an apologetic puppy-eyed look that could easily cool and melt any flamingly angry heart. "It's alright, I got us a good start, but a lot still needs to be done. If none of you guys mind, I'll check up on Alisea and her crew and make sure they are doing alright."

"It's okay with us; can you ask Alisea how she is doing? That strange women must surely scared her half to death." Asked Myri with a small innocent smile to which Flinn smile back and assured her that he would ask her. With this he walked off.


The Eldorado was docked almost a quarter of a mile away and as he came closer his feelings dropped. Unlike his sails, which only had a few tears, her's seemed completely ruined; unlike his ship that was covered in sand and seaweed; her's seemed covered in shrubs and other, unidentifiable, pieces of debris; unlike his ship that seemed to, after some repairs, to be able to leave tomorrow; her's seemed to need a little more time.

"Hey there Alisea is everything alright?" asked Flinn as he stepped onto the deck of the Eldorado. "Stop exactly where you are and don't take another step further!" shouted Alisea as she stepped over a small portion of a tree, possibly the crown or a large branch, with a broom in her hand. "A barrel of nails burst during the storm and the nails are everywhere; I don't want you to get hurt." Her eyes scanned the ground for safe footing, which seemed harder than expected. "Where is the rest of you crew?" asked Flinn as he scanned the deck with his own eyes for any other sign of life. "They are under deck and are looking for any further damages, I hope they don't find any though; but the looks of it, it will take at least two days to fix this." She said jesting to the damage seen on deck, "how about you and your ship? Is the damage bad too?"

"Not as bad as this, but I'm sure we can help you." Offered the young captain to his girlfriend, which earned him a small smile of gratitude from her full lips, "That would be nice, but I would have to discuss that with my crew first, they think we can pull this off by ourselves."

"How are you feeling?" asked Flinn with a fading smile, hoping she would simple smile back and tell him not to worry about her. "Well, I am still shaking a little from what happened earlier in the day, but it could be worse, but I can't stop thinking about that poor women, she seems to have gone through a lot." Replied Alisea with a worried expression; her reply only dampened Flinn's mood, though he could still hide it with a small, reassuring smile. "I'm sure she'll be alright when given time to recover, but you are right, I too would like to know where she came from and who she was running away from; maybe, if we knew, we could help protect her, or at least give her a safe passage another island."

I would like to know why she became so frightened when you appeared. It was almost like you reminded her of someone." Mentioned Alisea with a worried look, hoping her words haven't hurt his feelings.

;"How about, when you visit her later, you question her about her origins and why she was so frightened of me?" Alisea considered his plan for a moment and then agreed that it was a good way to find out about the women's origins; especially since Willow seemed to instantly connect with her, though she doesn't exactly know why the women chose her over the other two women in the room with her.

Guessing by the amount of narcotics the doctor gave her, the two had about two to two and a half hours before they would have to make their way back to the hospital cabin, and for some reason, Alisea had a bad feeling over what they would find out about their new found "friend". A dark, foreshadowing feeling that was close to one of someone stepping on her grave and one that she hoped and prayed wouldn't last long.

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