Part 8

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After what felt like hours, Flinn couldn't take it any longer; for almost an hour he had hardly heard anything from inside the hospital cabin. Just as he turned to open the door he noticed someone familiar approaching from the corner of his sight. Immediately anger coursed through his vanes and a lot of painful memories flashed through his mind. One, more painful, was the memory of himself almost being torn apart by plants and Alisea trying to save him, only to be abandoned by those she had once trusted so much.


Hoping Thomas and the two monsters accompanying him hadn't noticed him he remained facing the cabin door. Sadly it didn't work as he felt a hand tap his shoulder. "Hey, I think I know's Flinn right?" simply the voice was enough to get Flinn's blood boiling; nothing about the voice had changed, the slight mocking undertone lining every sentence, the self-indulging and know-it-all way of speech. "Yes, that is my name," replied Flinn without turning to the one who had addressed him. "And I know who you are, need anything?" his tone was icy and he hoped it would turn off his former acquaintances. "No really, just thought we could have a small chat. So I heard you and Alisea are together. Is that correct or is that just a rumor that has found its way to my ears?"

"Umm I don't think that is any of our business Thomas," said the crocodile as he turned to the young man by his side. Ever since their betrayal to Alisea, Zorion had feelings of regrets and had hoped that somehow she could forgive them. Thinking back, they didn't have it any better under her leadership than under Thomas's or even Espadon's who was nothing more than a glorified slave master the way he ordered them around.

"You should listen to your mate there and stay out of this, unless you want trouble." at this Thomas only scuffed, "You and trouble, doesn't sound like you, but I guess you are just getting into the practice of protecting your future wife. It's all women like her are good for."

For some reason this made the young captain see red, sure he too was raised an old fashion way that women were to stay home and take care of the house and home, but he had accepted that times have changed and that women were just as good at a man's than a man. Though he had been raised to be a gentleman to all whom he came into contact with, whether they have wronged him or not, but this struck a chord too deep and before he could stop himself he turned, swung his fist and hit Thomas square in the face; knocking the young sailor to the ground. Flinn could feel his blood leave his face as realization hit, which was shortly followed by Thomas's retaliation. The young sailor managed to knock his equally aged superior off his feet and into the door of the hospital cabin. Sadly the lock of the cabin door wasn't strong enough to hold the weight of two sailors flinging themselves at it's poor, worn-out form and it gave way; letting the two fall into the cabin.


At the sudden crash of splintering wood and two young men falling into their conversation, Willow sat up and held onto Alisea tightly, she wouldn't have any of this. It only took one glance at Thomas to get her anger boiling. She got up, pulling Willows hands off of her arm, and walked to the doctor's desk and picked up a flask of some clear liquid. She didn't know what it was she was holding, but it didn't matter; it was clear and in an air-tight flask and that was all she needed. She walked up to the two boys on the ground, removed the plug from the flask and held it over Thomas, who was about to punch Flinn in the face. "Stop what you are doing or I will pour this flask of acid over you!" her voice was cold and her movement was rigid; it was very clear that she would have poured the liquid over him even if it was acid, her hatred was this great for this one man. She had always asked herself why she hadn't just let the monster back in the emerald cave, but she could never find an answer. In a way, she though, she only wanted to make him feel the pain she felt when she was betrayed, but she didn't want him dead; though she was sure she hadn't mind it if the flesh-eating plants would have torn her and her boyfriend to shreds. Thankfully the threat seemed to have worked; Thomas had completely stopped just as he was throwing his fist up. He turned his head and looked at her with surprise, he hadn't expected anyone to be there and for a second he mistook Alisea's voice for the doctor's. His eyes shifted from the flask to Alisea and back to the flask, "Sure you are." he said sarcastically, he didn't believe she had what it took to acid-burn someone's face off, she didn't even have what it took to hurt someone in battle so for her to be able to hurt someone with acid was more implausible than pigs learning how to fly.

"Sorry to break it to you, but what you are holding is rubbing alcohol; I don't carry acid." the voice of the doctor in the doorway made the young women captain jump and drop the flask on Thomas's shoulder. It didn't break but spilled most of its content onto the young man. Thomas jumped and yelped, still half expecting there to be acid. Though he knew she would never hurt someone on purpose, he knew she was clumsy enough to hurt someone on accident when suddenly spooked. Jacklyn only shook her head and picked up the flask before fixing Thomas with an angry glare. To her, it was obvious what had happened, to an extent at least. "I met you friends running down the road on their way to the principal's office; I suggest you do the same." Said the doctor to get the young man to leave before anything got broken or anyone got seriously.

It took Thomas about half a minute to realize that his friends were no longer standing outside the door but had abandoned him before he ran himself. Once he was gone Jacklyn turned to Finn, who was still on the ground, and smiled. "I hope you are doing better than my door is. Did he hurt you?" the young captain shook his head before getting up and pulling a few pieces of wood off of his jacket; feeling lucky that none of the sharp pieces pierced him.

Alisea yelped in surprise when she felt something cold, clammy and heavy pulling her to the ground; she looked down and was relieved that it was just Willow who seemed to find the strength to crawl out of bed, "Willow..." she kneeled down to be at eye-level with her new friend, "you are supposed to stay in bed." She attempted to help willow back to bed, but Jacklyn stopped her.

"Alisea, I ordered you to keep your distance from her." Jacklyn took a few steps closer to Willow, only resulting in the young women crawling backward to get away from the doctor. "Get away from me!" Willow cried looking around for a way out or something to defend herself with; panic clearly wrote on her face.

"Jacklyn, I don't think she is contagious..." said Alisea, stepping between the doctor and the women.

"How are you supposed to know that?"

"Alisea, I don't think it is a good idea to argue with the doctor."

Alisea only looked at her boyfriend in annoyance before turning back to the doctor, "If she was, wouldn't I have gotten sick by now; besides, how could she infect me? She is as dry as a bone."

"I'm not sick." The girl's dry, raspy voice was followed by a moment of silence.

"You are not sick?" repeated Jacklyn, eyeing Willow questioningly.

"No...I am just different." Said Willow while holding on to Alisea, who has gone against the doctor's and her boyfriend's advice and helped Willow back onto the bed.

"Very different...I checked didn't have a pulse to speak of."

"Maybe your equipment was broken." Rationalized Willow, This brought a smile to the doctor, who went to her desk and got her bag of equipment. "Fine I'll humor you, but my equipment always works; I make sure of it." She turned to the other two in the room, "I want you two to stay here; you will get a check-up too, just to make sure."


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