Part 28

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Having cried to the point where her eyes no longer produced tears, Alisea sat, leaning against the door, trying to catch her breath. Her eyes felt heavy, but her mind and body were too awake to let her go to sleep. Her mind was just beginning to wonder when she heard a knock on her door.

"May I come in?" it was Willow, her voice sounded sweet, warm, and comforting; it was this comfort that Alisea needed. She pulled herself off the floor and, without a word, opened the door to her dear friend. She did not hide her emotions, her teary eyes, or her tear stained cheeks. "Oh dear, what happened?" she then pulled Alisea into a tight hug and gently rubbed her back. Alisea wrapped her arms around her friend's thin frame and buried her face in the thin women's shoulder. It felt good to be in Willow's arms. She was something sturdy to hang on to when the world became too much to handle. After a long moment, Willow pushed her friend away enough to look into her face. "Now, tell me, what happened?"

"It is nothing important." Alisea knew her voice betrayed her.

"Obviously it is not unimportant. Now tell me." She helped her friend to the bed, where the two sat down and Alisea rested her head on Willow's shoulder.

"I saw Lillian and..." she felt her throat close up again and her eyes felt wet with new tears. Again, her shoulders shivered as the young captain tried to keep from crying. She was so preoccupied with controlling her tears, that she hardly noticed Willow placing her arms around her shoulders and pulled her a little closer. "I can't..."

"I understand," her voice was soft and warm; her hand was gently rubbing Alisea's arm in a vain attempt of comfort. "The best thing to do is to forget him. There, are others that are more worthy of your love and attention."

"I don't know if I can. I loved him so dearly."

"Then why would he break your heart?"

"Maybe, I did not show him enough of my love?"

"That is ridiculous; how much love was you suppose to show him without losing your dignity. Trust me, it is better you forget him. The initial start is hard, but after a while, he will be nothing more than a memory." Willow's voice dropped to a soft whisper and she gently combed Alisea's hair wither fingers. She could feel the young women under arms start to relax and go limp.

Soon, the young captain was asleep in her arms.

Quietly and gently, she lay the young captain down on the bed before leaving the room, making sure the door made no sound as she closed it behind her.


His head ached and throbbed, his vision was blurry and eyelids heavy, and his nose burned from a noxious odder that surrounded him. Thomas tried to lift his head, but it felt like it was filled with lead. He tried again and winced at the pain in his neck that originated from his head hanging low. As his senses returned, he noticed that he was tied up, with his hands pinned to either side of his head and in a dark place. He leaned his head back against the wall that kept him pinned and noted how damp it felt against his head, neck, and back. Again, he tried to open his eyes, only to fail again. Suddenly, from next to him, he heard something move. "Donnie, is that you?" his voice shook a little from fear.

"Huh?" moaned the person next to him; their voice was weak and dry. "Thomas, you bastard, where am I?" it was Donnie, and she was not happy.

"I do not know I cannot open my eyes."

"What do you mean, did you not bring me here?" he heard panic starting to seep into her voice, though he could not see her, he felt her fear and wished he could comfort her, though he secretly wanted some comfort himself.

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