Part 14

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He could not scream fast enough, with one quick jerk she had thrown him overboard. Odd, she did not look like she was strong enough to do so, but that was not important, he was able to think and react fast enough to hang onto the edge of the loading area. Digging his nails into the wood, he looks for a way out, but not seeing one he knew he had to let the crew know he was there. He knew it would result in him put in the ships small prison, he knew that they would probably find the others and lock them up too, and he knew that they would most likely hand him over to the nearest jail, but his life was more important to him. "Help!" He cried out at the top of his lungs. His heart began to race and his figures began to lose their grip, "Help, man over board" he hopped they would make it to him on time; he looked up and saw the women standing on the edge, she was looking down at him and the smile was still on her face. From somewhere in the fog he could hear the crew running towards him. He was surprised when the women who had just seconds ago had thrown him overboard, kneeled down, trapped his wrist, and started to try to pull him up.


She felt so happy when he was out of her sight, to her Alisea had been avenged. She was surprised when she had not heard a splash of water; looking over the edge, she saw him hanging on for dear life. He looked even more helpless hanging there. Kind of like a kitten hanging from a tree branch. She contemplated whether to kick his hands to speed up the presumed inevitable, or to just wait and let gravity take over. Sadly, she had to changer her plans when she heard him scream and the crew starting to respond. She knew she would not be able to make it back to her hiding area before anyone saw her; also it would be useless to even try since she was sure they were would search the entire ship if they believed him. Going against every desire to see him go away, she kneeled down and pretended to try to save him. She had no real intention and hopped to make it appear that she had tried and failed. Sadly, not even that plan worked since the crew made it to their location in time, despite the fog. One of the first responders, a girl with green eyes and blond hair whom she remembered as Myri, grabbed hold of Thomas's other hand and together, though willow tried to make as little effort as possible, they pulled him back on deck. Willow quickly noticed how shocked and angry the young women appeared to be when she realized whom she had just helped to save. Clearly, it wasn't just the captain Alisea; this man had angered many more.


Myri, who knew the ship like the back of her hand, hadn't hesitated when she heard the call for help. Despite the deafening characteristic of the fog, she could locate that the call came from the loading area. She wasn't surprised; in the fog, it would be easy to mistake the opening for just another portion of the rail. When she got there, she was a little surprised to see Willow. She hadn't thought about her much since the incident at the hospital cabin and had only half listened to the instruction the captains had recited. She assumed that Willow must have changed her mind last minute and either Flinn or Alisea had provided her with a place to stay in the ship, since she hadn't seen her when she woke up. Nevertheless, she pushed her surprise to the back of her mind and reached down to help whomever the young woman was holding onto. Pulling the person back on board was a little challenging; she assumed that Willow was still too weak to be of much help. This only raised the question as to why the captains would let someone onboard that could hardly even stand on her own. Once the person who had fallen over board was back on deck, she wished she had not helped Willow. "What are you doing here?" she growled as she looked down at Thomas's panicked face.

"She pushed me overboard!" Thomas pointed his finger at the young women with crimson hair. At last, the rest of the crew made their way to the scene; all gasped when they saw both Willow and Thomas.

"Thomas, what are you doing here?" asked Flinn as he placed one hand on the hilt of him sword. He was ready to fight if he needed to.

"I guess there is no point in lying now." Thomas knew he was defeated once more. "I wanted to sneak on board, wait until all of you were gone and then take the ship and sail into the horizon."

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