第三章 // Chapter 3

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"If the scene no longer included you 如果风景早已都不存在

I think I won't continue to love it anymore 我想我谁都不爱"

Only when Junkai reached the staircase then he realised he had taken the reins of control back into his hands.

Wang Yuan ran quite fast, that was for sure. This was the second time he felt that. After he had seen through his disguise, he took one millisecond before disappearing.

Of course, in order to disappear he had to shake off Junkai’s hand first, which took him quite a few fractions of that millisecond, and before he left even stepped on Junkai’s toes once and painfully. He was wearing high heels, and it was so painful Junkai had the urge to sit down there and stay there for the rest of the ball.

He wasn't fast enough to catch Wang Yuan, of course, but he was quick enough to recover from his pain to see him run up the stairs... and after that, nothing.

Junkai walked up the stairs slowly, so as to look like he was not chasing someone, and checked all the bathrooms, the library, the kitchen, the bedrooms, the study —

— Ah. So there really was someone else after the documents.

The early bird gets the worm.

"We really have too much fate together, Ms Wang."

Wang Yuan had taken off his wig and it was on the floor next to him, on its side like he had just taken it off in a hurry. Junkai still found it amazing that he had been tricked. It had been so long since he didn't tell a man from a woman.

He stared at the hairpin Wang Yuan was using to pick the lock on the drawer of the mahogany study table. Was it made of wood? No, it shone in the light. Metal.

The next moment, the hairpin was at his throat, right beside his jugular vein.

Junkai raised his hand to show that he really was unarmed — save the gun pressing into his thigh underneath his dress pants. "I was just looking for the bathroom..."

"Stop lying, the upper level is already cordoned off to guests. What are you doing up here?"

"Then what are you doing here..."

Just after Junkai had uttered the last syllable of that sentence, he felt the hairpin inch one more centimeter into his throat, deep enough to almost break the skin.

"Don't don't don't, I was following you up..."

"I'll guess you're here for the shipping documents too."

"Don't worry, I won't say anything, I'll help you keep it a secret..."

Yet again, his words were cut off, but this time by the sound of pounding footsteps heading towards the room they were in.

Wang Yuan dived for his wig, and once he put it in place Junkai tilted his head and smiled at him.

"Cooperate for a while. It's in the name of living two more hours."

He pushed Wang Yuan until his back hit the wall, placed one hand on his waist and one hand through his hair before pressing his lips onto his.

The hairpin cut through the skin and Junkai’s neck began to bleed. He felt it leave his body the second it got in, and Wang Yuan was hard and stiff before relaxing and wrapping his arms around Junkai's back.

(Blood had began to drip down on Wang Yuan’s gown and some ran down his neck onto the starched white collar of Junkai’s shirt, but then again neither noticed.)

But, that was where their cooperation ended. Wang Yuan was relaxed, but there was a tenseness in his body not unknown to Junkai. He felt it inside him too, every time he put on a bulletproof vest, every time he stepped into enemy territory, ready to trick and deceive and feel guilty for those innocent people he lied to. No one was relaxed during the war. Wang Yuan was cool and cold, like a piece of ice unwilling to melt.

Because Junkai could hear the guards coming closer with every step, and because he was surprised that Wang Yuan wasn't taken by him like most of the others had, he prepared to unleash his (self-considered) superb kissing skills, directly stretch out his tongue in Wang Yuan’s mouth and kiss him until his legs were weak.

Instead, when his tongue reached a set of teeth, it was fiercely bitten upon and Junkai quickly retracted his tongue, feeling a metallic taste in his mouth and a stench of blood in the air, from his neck or from his tongue, he didn’t know.

Wang Yuan’s left hand moved to pull Junkai closer to him, but his left hand moved to hold the metal pin, now with the tip streaked with blood, somewhere around the cut.

Junkai felt the now-warm metal press into his neck, dangerously near the opening, seemingly sawing into his neck.

This is the first time he felt like kissing was like fighting a raging battle. He felt like he was kissing a knife, and at any time that knife would strike him and he would die right there and then.

But, somehow in the middle of this dangerous kiss, he tasted a slight satisfaction.

I must be going mad, he thought. In all his eighteen years of life he had never tasted this type of satisfaction before, and the blood dripping from his cut began to flow faster as he resisted breaking the kiss and breathing. He was taller than the other by a head, and most probably older too -- he was much stronger than Wang Yuan was. That was good. He firmly pressed Wang Yuan against the wall, trapping him in between him and the wall, and he couldn’t move even if he wanted to.

If it was a normal person, she would have been bowled over by everything, but Wang Yuan was obviously not like a normal person, and he didn’t have any indication to surrendering. On the other hand, it seemed like he was trying to take the position of dictating the kiss. Since both people refused to let the other take control, at the end this wasn’t fit to be called a kiss, they each resembled fighting animals, using their tongues as weapons against each other, sinking into a never-ending war.
This kiss was too fierce, too heated, intense, that when the guards burst in with a “What are you doing here”, Junkai was panting, and he had to breath in deeply two times before he could reply.
“Damn it! Are you blind?!”
Wang Yuan had buried his face in the crook between Junkai’s shoulder and neck, perfectly acting the role of a frightened lady caught doing something she shouldn’t have been doing.
“Mr Wang?” The guards looked at his face, recognising his distinctive features immediately. “Why did you come up here?”
“We… we just wanted to find a place without any people!”

“I’m sorry, but this level is restricted to guests, please come down.”

“Tch³, fine.”

He felt the person in his embrace move slightly.

-- His moves really were very fast, and Junkai counted it lucky that the hairpin hadn’t grazed his throat when Wang Yuan moved. This was the only reasonable thought in his mind, when he saw those two guards fall.

³ I refuse any bad swearing. I refuse. (although i'm not the cleanest of people) 

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