第六章 // Chapter 6

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Since Mr Ma wanted him to take care of Siyuan, show him around a bit, and Junkai has always been one to obey his elders, he decided to visit Ma’s house again after a few days.

When he arrived, Siyuan wasn't inside the house, but rather outside on the grass patch, soaking in the rare sunshine. His puppy lay behind him, his tongue lolling out of his mouth, looking both extremely blissed-out and dead tired.

His smile was especially bright, a smile only people with truly bright hearts could smile, so pure and naive he looked even more childish and immature. In this world, there weren't many people who can smile like this.

Junkai stood at a side, watching him, before walking up front.

“Ah, you're here!”

“You were waiting?” At Siyuan's shake of head, his dog rolled onto its back, trying to get up to greet Junkai. The latter smiled freely. “Good day, William.”

“Haha, isn't he cute?” Siyuan reached up and ruffled its brown curly hair.

“Yes.” Junkai looked at him for a moment before continuing, “you're very lucky.”

Siyuan looked up, and a shadow crossed his face before disappearing the next second, but Junkai saw it clearly. “Yeah, I feel that I am quite lucky. Don't tell me that Mr Wang doesn't feel happy?”

Junkai transferred his gaze to the garden’s lush green grass. “There are some people who aren't as lucky as you are.”

Siyuan frowned, as if he didn't understand his words. “What does that mean?”

“Nevermind. You haven't been back to Shanghai in a long time, haven't you? Let's go take a walk.”

As Junkai walked with Siyuan on the road, as Siyuan ran around like a curious child, looking at everything and saying oh, I haven't seen that house before, I haven't seen that tree before, Shanghai's really changed hasn't it? the older couldn't help but notice that it was only them, save a few policemen and people wrapped in thick clothes, heads tucked in their collars, on the street.

Suddenly, a small child, from behind them, came running out in front on the street. His face was adorned with a wide smile. He was running too fast, and in the end ran head-first into Siyuan's swinging arms. The latter bent down and helped him up, patting him on his back, and the child ran off, his hands raised up in the air, a lollipop clutched in his right fist.

For a long time, Siyuan stood there, gazing at the faded image of the child, and a mysterious look appeared on his face, a look Junkai recognised faintly.

“Thinking of something?”

Siyuan came back to reality and smiled at him. “Nothing.”

“Really nothing?”

“Really nothing.” He scratched his nose slightly. “I just thought of my childhood.”

The next evening they both attended a banquet held by the Cha family, in celebration of Mrs Cha turning sixty. Because it wasn't a mission, because he didn't need to look for any documents and meet any mysterious people who disappeared when they wanted, Junkai decided on a fully relaxed mood to take to the banquet.

(It stuns him sometimes, when he has to choose different feelings for an occasion that so obviously points at one.)

Junkai, out of habit, arrived fifteen minutes early. As the banquet hadn't officially started, and not many people had arrived, Junkai accepted a glass of champagne before finding a place to sit down. After walking for a full day yesterday, his legs still felt slightly aching and numb.

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