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This has been a turbulent journey for me.

First, I had terrible writers block, and this wasn't updated for a long time. Then, when I read through it again, I was "struck with inspiration" and I decided to continue.

Cue writer's block, x2.

But I just want to thank the readers for reading every lousy chapter, and that this might be one of my proudest works yet. I've spent so much effort and time on this fifteen-chapter book it's ridiculous and laughable, but I am happy with the outcome, regardless of everything that will happen in the future.

The poem in Chapter 14 is Hai Zi's 海子 poem 祖国 Zu Guo (Motherland).

Last but not least, in the word 凯 Kai, the 山 Shan means for Mountain. In the character 源 Yuan, the three dots at the side mean Water, or River.

Thank you for reading.

(Cue dramatic bow and curtains.) closing.

【凯源】Mountains and Rivers [GCA2019X]Where stories live. Discover now