C⃟h⃟a⃟p⃟t⃟e⃟r⃟ 7

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T⃟h⃟e⃟o⃟d⃟o⃟s⃟i⃟a⃟'s⃟ P⃟O⃟V⃟
    Philip and I didn't see much of each other the first week but saw each other more the next week. I didn't tell my father as I knew how much he didn't like Philip's father.
We were just have a conversation as we walked one day when we came up to a grove of apple trees.
"look at all the ripe apples" I smiled "father would love it if I brought some back"
"why don't you" Philip replied "I'll help you up if you'd like"
"if you remember I'm quite good at climbing" I giggle a bit remembering to when we were younger.
"oh I remember" he smiled in return
I began to pull myself up into the tree branches. I picked one or two and tossed them down
"im going to go up a little higher" I call down
"OK just be careful ok?" I hear Philip say
I don't answer and climb a little higher but my dress skirt catches on a branch and I feel myself begin to fall.
P⃟h⃟i⃟l⃟i⃟p⃟'s⃟ P⃟O⃟V⃟
I catch Theodosia beginning to fall and race up to the base of the tree and catch her.
"just like the first day we meet" I smile a little
"Yep" she giggles "but a little more graceful"
I remember that day and how I tried catching her but we both ended up on the ground "well I'm stronger then I was when I was 9"
We both laugh as I set her back on her feet gently
T⃟h⃟e⃟o⃟d⃟o⃟s⃟i⃟a⃟'s⃟ P⃟O⃟V⃟
We gather the few apples I picked and he walks me back to my House.
As we approach the house I see my father standing outside and stop walking
"Theodosia where have you been?" He says his face hard
"We were just going for a walk and picked a few apples on our way back" I reply
"Well come inside. Now"
I could tell I was going to be in trouble so I turn to Philip and say "I'll hopefully see you later"
He nods in response and slowly walks away back to his house.

My father lead me inside and told me "I have told you to stay away from that Hamilton boy" he frowns
"But father he's kind to me" I say in return
"I don't care. You are to stay away from him. Now go up to your room and not another word of this"

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