C⃟h⃟a⃟p⃟t⃟e⃟r⃟ 13

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P⃟h⃟i⃟l⃟i⃟p⃟'s⃟ P⃟O⃟V⃟ ~2 y⃟e⃟a⃟r⃟s⃟ l⃟a⃟t⃟e⃟r⃟~
    I finally patched things up with Theo. It did take a few weeks but then everything was back to normal. We have now been dating for about two years.
    I love her more then anything and she loves me. We know that's all that matters and today I'm graduating from college. I haven't seen Theo in months, we've just been writing letters while I'm at school but now I'm finished for good.
    I'm just stepping out of the carriage when I'm tackled by Theodosia.
    "Whoa" I say laughing and hug her back "I missed you too"
    "It's been too long" she says letting go and looking me in the face.
    I smile and kiss her "I know it has"
    She then helps be get my bags from the carriage to bring them to my house.
T⃟h⃟e⃟o⃟d⃟o⃟s⃟i⃟a⃟'s⃟ P⃟O⃟V⃟
    I was so happy to have Philip back for good now that we spent every moment we could together. After about a week I was was walking to the Hamilton's house and saw Philip walking out of his house, his face looking angry
"What's wrong?" I ask him
"Someone has been talking bad about my father and I can't take it. He did it in front of a crowd too." He says frowning "I'm going to challenge him to a duel to end this"
I gasp "no! You can't do that, you might get yourself killed" I tell him "you are not to do that I forbid it. And think of what your mother would say"
"I have to do something" he argues back "I can't just let him talk bad about my father"
"Well you have a way with words, like your father, and that's much safer then dueling"
"Fine. I will try to change his mind with my words"
"And promise me there will be no dueling"
He stands there for a minute and then grunts "fine, no dueling"
I then let him go talk to the young man who bad mouthed Mr. Hamilton.
P⃟h⃟i⃟l⃟i⃟p⃟'s⃟ P⃟O⃟V⃟
I walk to where I assumed George Eaker would be and sure enough he was. Walking to see a play.
"George!" I call to him
He turns around and rolls his eyes "what do you want?"
"You were talking about my father" I said "I refuse to let that go without consequence"
"Ya well ya might have to" he smirks
I begin talking about how to solve this, not bringing up dueling as I promised Theo.
When I has finished George is silent then he punches me
"Get lost and never talk to me again and I'll not do anything like that again"
"Fine" I say holding my face where he's hit me

H⃟e⃟l⃟p⃟l⃟e⃟s⃟s⃟Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora