Chap 1 - I, Am, Your, God!

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"Honnouji academy, huh?" I stated before i walked through.  I'm here because i heard that there was advanced technology pieces that i wouldn't understand. As I walked through I saw some simple pieces, Iron, Copper, And so forth, "Advanced pieces?" I said to no one in particular, "Come to me when you make an android with emotion's with only platinum, then, we could talk" I started my way out of the school until some Big guy walked up into my face.

"Who are you!? Why aren't you sporting your school uniform?!" The huge man asked me.

"Eh me? Well, I was just thinking about signing up for this school, but now that I see it, it's kinda Tedious... I just remembered you're probably a dumb brute so tedious means dull just saying, we don't want you to burn some brain cells trying to learn a new word now then do we?" I finished, picking on the giant.

"How dare you?! I'll have you know that I'm one of lady Satsuki's Right hand men! And your disrespect will not be tolerated!" He replied angrily

"Who the hell is lady Satsuki?"

"*Gasp* You don't know who Satsuki is?! Well, I'll tell ya! She is the president of the student council and she calls the shots! Now enough of this procrastination I'm bringing you in now!" He finished trying to grab me he reached for the back of my collar before I side stepped to my left, He seemed quite pissed at this manner, and quickly to do the action again. I repeated the side step and moved right this time.

He was finished after this, he just snapped and tried to attack me, I stood still and it looked like I took the hit, that was until my left eye glew a bright red color, "I'm actually happy that I modified this" I looked at the man, "You made a pretty bad mistake, though if your the Right hand man of Satsuki... I can test wether or not this school is worth my time!" As I finished talking I deactivated the shield and took out my hand crafted phone, (The phone only asks for a specific code, it has no ther functions, no home screen, no games and ETC. Its basically a false phone that uses ultra sonic waves) I typed a code in it, and all of a sudden the big man went into his knees holding his ears.

"Heheh! This is why you don't mess with god!" I bragged from my victory. I jumped up into the air before I grabbed my phone and turned the sound off... Big mistake.

"You, God? I'm sorry kid, but you haven't even defeated me yet, SHACKLE SCOURGE REGALIA (is that right?)"

Soon the man began to transform into some sort of beast, "W-what the hell!?" My shocked state left my conscious unable to move, Thank god for my Augs, they moved on their own by sending a shock to my brain activating my legs and forcing my body to dodge the attack the giant sent to me. I had no time for talk, thousands upon thousands of whips came towards me, I had to use it. I called upon my sword and tried my best to use it, but even then my body was tiring out fast... Damn it! "This is what happens when you don't charge your batteries, Y/n! You idiot" I thought, but my thoughts were cut off by a huge whip landing between my legs I jumped back a little bit farther from the danger. Then, it happened my sword couldn't take the pressure and disenigrated I was shocked and sadly left myself open for attacks, hundreds upon thousands of whips came clashing into my skin. I screamed in pain and agony, I haven't felt this just since my father experimented on my body. I couldn't take it, I pulled out a prototype teleporting device and used it, the only repercussions it could have is that I could erase the memories that a person had 12 hours prior to when they used it, or it could possibly erase the user completely out of existence, if anything, I hope none of them happen. As I clicked the button I felt like I was fading passed world's, I felt as if I was floating in an unknown space... I felt empty, in a scared panic I passed out.
I just awoke and I was walking around in the woods, confused as to where I was, "DR-467, Where is my location?" I Asked the location bot that I implanted in my head.

"I am currently unaware my creator, though maybe a little more scouting could help" DR-467 replied.

"Yeah, I already I knew that you, piece of scrap metal" I replied, "Sorry about that, I'm just frustrated is all"

"It is quite alright creator, I can sense your anger" DR-467 replied.

"Alright then, can you get in touch with 4T?" I asked.

"Sorry creator, but what ever you did before we came here you must have used a lot of power, I recommend that if we fight an unknown being that you run away."

"How come?"

"Because creator, our power supply his very low, if you use your strength you may possibly disable us for a time being." DR-467 Informed me

"I see, Well then, Entry code: Pancake, Death, Fire and ice" I said aloud.

"Deactivation code heard, do you wish to deactivate us, creator?" DR-467 asked.

"Yeah, to save more power, but keep the main Augments activated, okay"

"Yes, authorization granted, shutting power down..."

I sighed before I started walking around more, I found some locals and asked them where I was, they stated I was at some school, named Honnouji Academy. I knew I heard that name before, only if I knew why. Though, before I got here I must be gotten into a pretty bad fight. I had welts placed all over my body.

"What type of loser uses a whip in battle?" I asked no one in particular.

I then felt like there wasn't any way out, so I attempted to use my prototype teleporting device, though when I took it out I felt like lava had just been poured into it, what the hell? That only happens if someone... Used it...

I finally knew what was happening, low battery, damaged skin, memory loss, it all cclickd together now. I must've started trouble and made a local beat the shit out of me, and in a panic I used the teleporter. I activated my power back on and called for my hovering machine, Ct-12, It eventually came and I disactivated my augments again. I then got onto my machine and rid it over the trees and saw the scene where I must've fought, I clearly was at least 32 yards away from the destroyed land.

"Hmm, if someone could push me to my limit with my full power... I guess you'll have a new student... Honnouji Academy...

(-A/n) Okay so before that one person comments and says "ugh, Why was y/n So weak?" I just want to say this, his power was low so if he fought full strength his Augs holding some of his extra weight would've shut off making him go unconscious. Which, would've gotten him captured. He dosent know that because his memories of the match were erased. Anyway

-Shyne out

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