Chap 4 - Fight Night

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(I'm going to free write this chaper. Meaning that I'm just gonna go off of what I remember happening in the episode)

I woke up from my last night of working. I looked up at the ceiling before I raised my hand, "What if I can't defeat them? What if I can't protect this kind family? Would there deaths even be my fault?" I thought of all the bad things that could happen... "No, don't think like that... I got this!" I clenched my hands looking at them with determination... I sighed, "Let's do this" I slowly started lifting my self off of the bed in the rook that the family offered me. I got onto my feet and started my way out of my room. As I approached the living rook the family looked at me in terror.

"What happened?" I asked them.

"They took Mako! Some weird boxing guy took her for ransom!" The father informed me.

"What?! How dare they?!" I angrily asked. "I swear to you Barazo, I'll kill the man holding her captive" I clenched my hands thinking about why Fukuroda would do that?

"Thats the thing though y/n, We don't know why he's holding her captive. Hell we don't even know what he wants for her." Barazo told me.

I stared at the ground before wondering what he could have taken her... To lure me in, maybe? No, that makes no sense... He would've went after Mataro, I'm much more closer to him. Okay, then who else is mako's friend? I GOT IT "RYUKO!" I bursted out.

"What Ryuko took her?" Sukuyo (The mom) asked.

"No, Ryuko is friends with Mako... So, he'd clearly hold Mako hostage so that he could get her to fight him!"

"Ah! I see that makes more sense!"

"You seem really calm, are you okay with Mako being taken?" I asked Sukuyo.

"Hmm? No I'm worried senseless, but I know what you're capable of. So I trust Mako in your hands" Sukuyo responded smiling at me.

"I-i see, Thank you Mrs. Mankanshoku, I promise I won't let you down" I told her bowing my head.

"Man, put your head up. Its not like she gave you her consent to date her." Mataro Stated picking on me.

"S-Shut up!"

"Hehe! Y/n likes Mako, Y/n liked Mako!" Mataro chanted.

"Hey! I said shut up! If you dont I'll beat you to a pulp!" I threatened

"Ah! Young love" Sukuyo chimed in.

"Agh! Not you too!"

"Don't worry y/n" Barazo cut in.

"Finally, at least someone good in this house"

"Of course I'm good, I'm paying for the wedding after all" Barazo finished holding in a snicker.

"You're not helping!" I roared in embarrassment.

They would've continued until we started to hear the speakers. They called for Ryuko just as I thought, but they also called for me. He said that he challenges me, and Ryuko.

I started my way towards my room getting my outfit on. As I walked towards the door I heard the whole family tell me that I got this. I nodded then headed off to the soon to be battle grounds.

As I arrived I hid in the crowds and instantly took notice of the way that they had Mako.

"Ahh! Everyone's gonna see my panties! I didn't even wear my sexy panties!" Wait, she has sexy panties? *Ahem* I sighed after Mako said this. Her life is on the line yet she can still take a comdical role.

"Y/n, Ryuko! I know you two must be in the crowd. If you don't show yourselves I'll boil your friend in hot oil!" Fukuroda screeched wheeling the tank out putting it right next to Mako, "Well, I gave you a chance... Now then, BURN!" Fukuroda screamed grabbing a lever. The second his hand touched it I leaped towards him and kicked him away. I jumped back and noticed a cloaked figure freeing Mako from her chains. They clearly must be on my side. I jumped right next to the cloaked person.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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