Chapter 1

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"Welcome to your new home." Eva’s mother tells her as they walk in the front door of the new house. Eva drops her bags to her sides, her arms a bit tired, as she looks up the long white spiral staircase. She had to admit, the house was really nice, but she still didn't understand why they moved. She loved their old house. It's where she grew up. Where she had countless memories with her family.

"Mom, this is a pretty big house for a family of three." Eva comments as she takes in her surroundings. "How many rooms are in here." She asks.

"About six sweetie. Go ahead and find your room upstairs." Eva’s father answers as he walks in the house with his suitcases. Eva sighs and picks up her slightly heavy bags. "We'll unload the U-Haul in about a half hour." Her father demands as Eva starts walking up the spiral staircase, disappearing from her father’s view at about the 25th step.

"Yeah, whatever." Eva says under her breath. The stairs were carpeted a cream color, almost white, and there were about 35 stairs in total. When she gets to the top, she's at the beginning of a long hallway. The carpet was the same color all the way down. The walls were white, but bare, soon to be covered in our family pictures from Eva’s mom. On the right side of the hall there were two doors, and one door on the left. For only three rooms, it was a pretty big hallway.

She walks up to the first door on the right, and slowly opens the non-sounded door. It was a closet. A big one at that. She shut the door, looking for a room right now.  She moves to the second door on the right side. Behind the door was a huge bathroom. Eva sighs, and shuts the door. She goes to the left side, where the last door was. Fortunately, it was a bedroom. But not just any bedroom.

It was a master bedroom, with a really nice bathroom. The walls were white, and the floor was tan. Eva walks in, knowing this was her room. She sets her bags by the door, and takes a look around. She had a walk in closet that could fit a queen sized bed. Her bathroom had a big tub, plus one of the one man showers. Walking back into her bedroom, she takes her shoes and socks off so she could feel what the carpet felt like.

One bare foot on the soft carpet, perfect for her feet. She places her other foot down, as the carpet massages her feet as she walks around. She walks over to the window in her room, which was across from the entrance of the room. It was a huge window with the window sill as a small couch where you could sit. Eva looked out the window, sitting down, and looked at the view she had; the backyard.

They had a huge back yard, probably 3 to 5 acres. She knew her mom planned to plant a garden out there. Farther off into the distance, she could see the mountains to the east. There was no trees right in front of her window, so she could probably see the sunrise perfectly. She looked down, and notice she could sit on the roof. She unlocks her window, getting ready too open it when she hears her father. "Eva, come help unload." She locks her window back up and goes to put her shoes back on. "Hurry!" Her father yells to her.

"I'm coming!" She yells back, putting her last shoe on and tying the laces of both. Before she rushes down stairs, she puts in her head phones, so all she had so do was pay attention to carrying boxes than to listen to her parents complain. Walking out the front door, she see's two other people there talking to her parents. Great. Ignoring them, she grabs the first box which had her name on it, and starts carrying it up to her room.

"Eva." She could hear her mom shout when she got back out again, but she ignored her and grabbed another box titled "bathroom" so she set it in the downstairs bathroom, after she found where it was. When she turned the corner to go back outside, her father caught her. She took her head phones out.

"What?" She asks.

"Come out side and meet our new neighbors." He demands.

"No, dad. I just want to get this done, so I can be by myself." Eva tells him, trying to squeeze past him, but he stops her.

"No, you’re coming to meet them. Stop being so impolite."

"It's your fault. I would still be the 'perfect' child if you didn't make me move!" She says.

"No, now you stop it. Come on, put a smile on that face, and at least act like the perfect child, because you are meeting our neighbors." He says and grabs her arm, dragging her outside until in the view of the couple talking to her mother.

"Oh, there she is." Eva’s mother says. "This is our only child, Eva."

It's nice to meet you." The women says. "I'm Nicole." She holds her hand out. Eva stands there, with a scowl on her face, not shaking the woman's hand. "Oh, okay." She puts her hand down. "And this is my husband, Johnathan." She says.

"But you can call me John. Nice to meet you Eva." He says and nods. Eva gives her father a look of, 'please let me go now'. Her father gives her a look of 'no', but she walks away anyway, going back to unloading, and getting this done.

Nicole and John help. John and Eva’s father do most of the furniture and heavy things. By dinner time, which didn't make Eva very happy because we ate with the neighbors, we had everything unloaded and finished. Up at the dinner table at the neighbor’s house, Eva’s parents and the couple were doing most of the talking. In fact, Eva hadn't said a word to either of them yet.

"So, Eva. How do you like your new house?" John asks. Eva never looked up at him, or her parents, she just stared at the full plate of food that she wasn't hungry enough to eat.

"She didn't want to move, so she's not very talkative today." Eva’s mom answers instead.

"Oh, you'll get used to it here. It's a great neighborhood. I'm sure you'll fit in just fine. How old are you?" John asks. Again, Eva ignores him.

"She's 18, just barley graduated school." Her father answers.

"Oh, and you obviously don't have a job." Nicole says. "I could get you a job at the flower shop. That is if she's interested." Everyone waits for her response. Eva stands.

"I think I'll be going now. I'm a bit tired. Excuse me." Eva says. She looked at her father before she walked away, and he was not very happy. Eva walks out of the neighbor’s house, and walks across the dim lit street to her house. As she walked up her porch steps, she hears a branch snap. Her head looks into the dark shadows by the side of the house. Seeing nothing, she walks inside, and up to her room.

She takes a quick shower, after going through her bathroom box to find her towel and what not. And then she throws on her black boy shorts and a tank top for her pajamas. Before getting into bed, she sets her alarm clock, and sits on the window couch. She looks out into the night. The moon shining almost directly into her giant window. She sighs, looking up to the sky full of bright stars. When she sees a shooting start, she smiles and makes a wish. "Please, someone come and make this place worthwhile."  

Looking up at the stars one last time, she walked bare foot over to her very comfortable bed, and slides in. It didn't take her long to get comfortable, and she doses off to sleep quickly. Right before she falls fast asleep, she turns on her side and sings a short little song to herself that she remembers from being little. She swears the first time she heard that song was from someone else her age. But there was no one her age growing up. Not that she remembered.

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