Chapter 11

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Eva woke up in a strange, unfamiliar room. She never remembered falling asleep last night, or coming into this room. Light shone through a gap in the curtains, barley lighting up the room enough to see her surroundings. The bed frame was made of wood, so was the dresser to the side of the room. Everything had a look of rustic to it.

Eva slides out of the bed and her bare feet hit the soft carpeted floor. She felt alone. Zayn was no where in sight, and it scared her. She walks over to a room that seems to be a bathroom. She was right. She then walked over to the dresser and opened the first drawer. Men's clothes stacked in the dresser drawers. Same with the other three drawers down. Obviously they were Zayn's clothes, so she didn't care to wear one of his shirts.

She changed into one of his shirts. She thought her pants would be fine for one more day. She goes back to the bathroom, searches everywhere for a comb, or brush, and after a while, she finds one. She combs through her hair until it was smooth, and she put it in a ponytail.

She didn't have her make-up at all. So she was going to be feeling a bit insecure. She than leaves the room. It was a small cabin, so it was easy to find her way around. She still was on her toes about Zayn, and where on earth he was.

She found her shoes by the front door. She put them on, and then walks outside. "Zayn?" She calls out into the woods. She takes a look at her surroundings. There was a wooden railing going around the cabin with a wrap around porch. She starts walking to another side of the house. "Zayn?" She shouts again. "God Zayn, where are you?" She mutters to herself as she keeps walking.

She stops on the other side of the house, looking out into the woods. It was a good view, but she still didn't feel like she belonged here. Out of the corner of her eye, she see's a figure of a man. Figuring it was Zayn, she turns her head to him.

But it wasn't Zayn. It was someone else. "Hey. I'm Damion." He says, also being British. He holds his hand out.

"Where's Zayn?" Eva says, glaring at his hand and then him, taking a step back. He smiles a little and her shyness.

"He's just out. He'll be back, don't worry." He says.

"Who are you?" Eva asks.

"Damion." He answers.

"I know that, but why are you here?" Eva asks.

"I'm part of Zayn's pack Eva. No need to be scared. He asked me to stay at the house while he went out to protect you. I know what happened Eva." He tells her. "The other packs are trying to come and destroy you so you don't spread the word about our existence."

"So you and Zayn are going to try and defend me by yourselves?" Eva asks. Damion again laughs.

"No, we have a huge pack. Not the biggest yet but still a huge pack. There are about 10 others out here right now, guarding the house. Guarding you." Eva looks out into the woods again. She didn't see anyone. "You won't see them Eva, not from here. But you'll meet them all one day. Especially since your going to be here for a while."  Be here for a while, surrounded by multiple werewolves.

This is when Eva started paying attention to him. Tall, about six foot. Long black hair, shaved on the sides above the ears, and was tied back into a ponytail. He had a strong, defined jaw, and dark brown eyes. Darker than Zayn's. He wore long, black jeans, and had on a plain white shirt. He had a strong upper body, as the shirt defined him. "Why me? You guys don't have to waist your time doing this."

"Usually we just let those die who find out about us. But you, you're special Eva. There's a reason we're protecting you." Damion says.

"What is that reason?" Eva asks while staring in his Damion's eyes.

"Your Zayn's mate." He says, and puts his hands on the railing. He looks out into the woods. "We protect our pack, and those that they claim. Zayn has claimed you as his mate Eva. He did the very first time he saw you. And trust me, that was a long, long time ago. After claiming you, he had no chance but to be with you. Always. It's just what he had to do."

A long, long time ago? What was he talking about? Eva had just meant Zayn six or so months ago.

"Damion." Eva knew that voice. Zayn. Both Eva and Damion turn towards the voice.

"Yes sir?" He says. Zayn nods his head. Damion turns to Eva.

"Nice meeting you." He tells Eva, and then walks away. Eva looks up to Zayn.

"Hi." She says. She was still a little upset at Zayn for bringing her here.

"Hi love." He says. "Hungry?" He asks. Eva nods, realizing she hadn't eaten yet. "Let's go." Zayn says, and they walk back into the cabin. "Everything here works. Water. Electricity. It's just like a normal house, just up in the mountains. They both walk into the kitchen to laughing voices.

There were three boys sitting up the rustic kitchen table, their mouths full of food. "Boys." Zayn says. They all pay attention to Zayn, who was now holding my hand. Just then a girl walked in and sat down. "This is Eva. You have not met her yet." Zayn says.

The first boy, who was just a little smaller than Damion speaks first. "Hey Eva. I'm Luca." He had very short brown hair, and light green eyes. Then the second boy, Blond hair, green eyes.

"I'm Curt." He says. And the other two boys start laughing.

"What's so funny?" Eva asks, very confused.

"Curt means short, or little." Luca says and the two boys continue laughing. Curt was a smaller boy than the rest of the one's she had met.

"Haha, funny. I get it all the time, no worries." Curt tells Eva.

"Boys." Zayn says sternly. They boys stop laughing after a moment. Eva looks to the last boy. He was about as bough as Luca was. He had dirty blond hair, and blue eyes.

"I'm Eli." The last boy says. "And it's very nice to meet you." 

"It's nice to meet you all too, except for the fact that your all werewolves and could eat me at any second." Eva says. They all stare at her. And then, after the awkward moment of silence, the only other girl in the room speaks.

"I told you Zayn. You should just have let the other pack kill her when they had a chance." Eva looks up to the girl and then to Zayn.

"You know why we can't." Zayn says. He was getting  a little mad. Eva could tell by the grip of his hand on hers tightening.

"Better be careful Zayn. You don't want to kill your own mate." She was very cocky.

"Shut up." Eva tells her as sternly as possible. Then in her head she realizes she just back talked a werewolf. The girl laughs.

"You think I'm scared of you?" She says. "Oh trust me human, I could rip you apart in seconds." She was staring into Eva's eyes now. Zayn covers Eva's eyes. The next thing Eva knows, Zayn is across the room and holding the girl against the wall by her neck.

"Never insult my mate. Or yes, I will be the cause of your death." Zayn threatens.

"Zayn, let her go." Eva says. She was scared Zayn was going to change from his anger towards the girl. Zayn calms a little, and let's her go. She takes a deep breath, coughing only a little. "Zayn, let's just go okay?" Eva says. Zayn steps backwards, his eyes never leaving the girl. Eva grabs his hand, and starts to pull him in the direction of his room.

Once in his room, Eva shuts the door. She encloses herself in a room with an upset werewolf. Not the brightest idea, but she wanted to calm him down. "Zayn." She tells him. He looks up to her from sitting on the bed. She walks up, and kisses him. "It will be fine. Calm thoughts." Zayn takes a deep breath, and nods.

"Thank you." He says. They start to kiss again. More passionate this time. Zayn grabs her waste and pulls her closer. But then they both hear a howl from outside. He looks out the window, and then back to Eva. "I have to go. Stay here where it's safe. Damion will be here to protect you." Zayn gets up and leaves the room in a rush.

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