Chapter 4

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Eva woke up in her bed the next morning, swearing everything that happened was a dream, that is until she sat up and saw she had her leather jacket on, and that the pizza was also gone. Laying her head back on the pillow, she smiles. It was probably the best night of her life. But again, she sat up, glancing at the time on her alarm clock. "Oh shoot!" She says, knowing her dad will be up here knocking on her door in five minuets if she wasn't down there.

Eva quickly got up and changed into a new outfit. Blue skinny jeans, black combat boots and a white t-shirt which she tucked in. She was in the middle of tying up her boots when her dad knocked one the door. "Sweetie, you up?" He asks.

"Yeah, just getting dressed. I'll be down in a few." She says.

"Alright. We have some scrambled eggs and toast for you sweetie. Me and your mom are going into town, and we won't be back until late." Her father explains.

"Uh, okay. I'll be fine. Don't rush, being alone will help me settle in to this place." Eva lies as she finishes lacing up here boots.

"Okay. We love you, and we'll be back before dinner. I'm sure you can fix yourself lunch." He states.

"Yeah. I'll be fine Dad. You and Mom go and have a good time doing, whatever it is your doing." Eva tells him.

"Bye, sweetie."

"Bye Dad. See you tonight!" Eva exclaims to her father. She listens at his footsteps lead away. She stood up and did a happy dance, wanting to scream and cheer. She stands up from off the floor and goes to the bathroom to do her hair and fix her make-up. By the time  she was done, and downstairs eating, her parents were gone. "Yes! Whole house to myself and I can do whatever I want!" She yells and her voice echos throughout the house. Just as she walks out of the kitchen, she notices a note on the counter.


We are in town until dinner. Don't forget to make yourself lunch.
We love you, and will see you soon. Here is a list of things we
would like you to do before we get back.
                                        Mom, and Dad

Do the dishes
Wash the kitchen
Rake the leaves out front
Vacuum the living room

As she reads the note, her phone vibrates in her pocket. She pulls it out to find a text from Zayn. "I guess I did get his number last night, I just don't remember." She says as she opens the text.

Hey :) -Zayn

Hey :) What's up? -Eva.

She looks back at the list, deciding on what to do first. She sighs and goes up to her room to change into some outdoor work wear. She puts on some old worn light blue jeans, her work boots, which were just a pare of old cowboy boots, and a white t-shirt that didn't look to white anymore.

Being alone and bored. You? -Zayn

Home alone, and have to rake the leaves in the front yard. :/ -Eva

She goes back downstairs and outside. She walks to the side of the house where the small shed was. She had seen that as they pulled up to the house. She grabs one of the two rakes they had and starts on one side of the huge yard that was almost completely covered in leaves.

Can I come and help? -Zayn

If you want. My yard is soo huge, it's going to take all day to get it done. :( -Eva

I'll be over in about 5. Don't worry, we'll get it done :) -Zayn

She continues to rake, waiting for Zayn. She would be very thankful for his help right now. Just as he said, he was there about 5 minuets after sending that text. "Hey." Eva tells him as he takes his helmet off and sets it on the motorcycle.

"Hey hard worker." He says. She looks at her work and decided she did get quite a bit done in just five minuets. He walks up to her and gives her a kiss on the lips. She was still very confused about whether or not they were dating. After kissing her, he walks past her to the shed and grabs the other rake. "Well, let's get to it?"

"Yeah." Eva answers. "I'll do this side, and you start over there." She points to the other side of the yard.

"Yes ma'am." He sarcastically says and gets to work. They both cotinued working in silence. About half way done with her side of the yard, Eva looks to Zayn who was about done, and shirtless. He was sweating like crazy, yet a drop hadn't come off her forehead. She tried not to stare at his tattoed body. She was right about the muscle. Abs. She looks away before she think she will drool.

She continues to work, glancing over at Zayn many times. By the time Zayn was done, she still had a lot of work to do on her part. "Hey Eva."

She turns to him. "Yeah?" She asks, freely looking over his body this time.

"I'll finish your side, you go get some bags to put the leaves in."  He orders.

"Are you sure?" Eva asks, doing her best to keep her eyes on his.

"Yes." He says walking up to her and taking the rake from her hand. Her eyes never left his. She could feel the heat radiating off his body even though they weren't touching. He leans in, as if going to kiss her, but instead moves to her ear and whispers. "Bags."  She looks back into his eyes, letting go of her rake, and walking into the house to get garbage bags.

Before walking back out, she takes a deep breath, as if to calm herself and her hormones. When she opens the door, she see's that Zayn is complete with her side of the yard as well. She walks down the steps, and towards the big pile of leaves. "I got the bags. She says Zayn looks up to her. He holds out his hand as if asking to hand him a bag. She walks up to him, handing out one of the bags. He takes all of them from her, and sets them on the ground by the tree. She gives him a confused look. "What are you ahhh!" She laughs as Zayn picks her up and throws her in the pile of leaves.

When she pops out, she gives Zayn a dirty look, but also with a smile. "You have leaves all over in your hair." Zayn says and laughs at her.

"Oh yeah? I'm going to mess your hair up pretty boy." She says, as she grabs his arms and pulls him in too. Both sitting on the leaves, they stay quiet for a moment. Then Eva speaks. "We should probably bet these leaves in bags so I can get what all I need to get done." She tells him.

"You go do whatever else needs cleaned. I got the leaves." Zayn tells her.

"Zayn, no. That's not fair. These are my chores." He shuts her up by kissing her. He intently looks into her eyes after the kiss.

"Go." He sternly says. She felt something inside of her, and it looked like his eyes got a deeper green. Eva slowly nods and gets up. She walks into the house and to the counter where the note was. What was with Zayn. He seemed really serious. She looks at the list, deciding what to clean next. Wondering what was up with Zayn.

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