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You got to the changing room and had a quick shower and then got changed.You left and standing outside the door was Stiles.'Y/N you ok?' he asked 'No' you said bluntly not really wanting to talk about it 'can I help?' he asked ' if you have some tipe of healing potion for this then yes but otherwise no' you said while showing him your arm 'well I don't know about healing potion but I can give you a hug?' he said with his arms open you softly smile and Ofcourse you hug him 'No but seriously Y/N you should get that checked out' he said while pulling away 'no I can't my parents can't find out about this' you said and rubbed your arm 'come to my house after school I'll take a look at it' he suggested 'id love to but I don't want to bother you,and you're family' you said while you walked to class 'PLEASE........you could never be a bother' he said as you walked into class you sat beside him and the class began and he didn't stop asking until you said yes.

----------------------Time skip----------------------

You walked out of school with Allison and you saw Stiles standing beside his car and he waved you over 'Bye Al thanks for keeping Scott away' you said and gave her a hug 'Anytime bye' she said and you walked to Stiles' you sat in his car and called you're mum 'Hey mum I'm going to my friends house so don't worry' you said casually 'Ask you're dad' she said 'Fine give him the phone...tata iden kod prijatelja jel to ok?' you asked 'Moze al mater ti je ljuta pa nazovi mene ako ti ista triba' he said 'Oke volin te cao'and you hung up the phone (TRANSLATION:'Dad I'm going to my friends is that ok?'you asked 'sure but your mum is angry so call me if you need anything' he said' okey love you bye'and you hung up the phone)

'That sounded cool' Stiles said that made you giggle 'its really not but I can see how it could be to you' he smiled and you joked the rest of the way.'were here' he said and pulled up to a cozy home, you walked in and it was nice and warm 'Dad I'm home!' he shouted,his dad talked while coming to see his son 'theres food in the kitchen just warm it up and...'he cut himself off 'oh hallo there what's your name jung lady?' he asked 'im Y/N it's nice to meet you sir' you said and shook his father's hand 'she just moved here from Croatia she's really cool' Stiles said 'wow well I see you've made quite an impression on my boy...do you want something to drink?' he asked 'actually may I have a glass of water please?' you asked politely 'ofcourse...see Stiles you could learn a thing or two about manners from Y/N over here' he said while playfully hitting Stiles on the head,it wade you giggle.You walked into the kitchen and drank the glass of cold refreshing water.On the table was a badge and a uniform 'oh so you're a Sheriff' you asked 'yes I am' he said while taking the empty glass from your hand 'Ok...do you mind dad' Stiles said while motioning something with his eyes 'Oh right I have a thing I'm going to....bye'Mr.Stilinski said and walked to the couch Stiles face palmed and took you're hand and led you to his room 'thank you Mr.Stilinski and bye if I don't see you again' you said and walked with Stiles 'bye Y/N' he said and you walked into Stiles room.

'aww you have such a cute room..in a manly way I mean..I mean you don't have a girly room... I mean it's cute...i mean... I'll just shut up' you said fumbling with your words and you just blushed and sat down he just laughed and sat beside you he rolled up your sleeve and examined it *mm* you flinched at his strong hand over your bruise 'im sorry I'll try be more careful' his hand instantly became as gentle as a feather.

The feeling of his hand on your body felt so right so perfect so natural you just looked at him taking care of your hand and smiled 'what?' he asked looking up at you 'nothing just... nothing' you blushed and put a strand of hair behind your ear,he lifted your chin so you would look in his eyes his chocolate brown ones melted you and he was slowly inching towards your until you were inches apart *thud* you quickly whipped you're haid in the detection of the sound you saw Scott coming in threw thw window 'Stiles,I seriously fucked up I didn't mean to hurt her I..' he stopped when he saw you there 'SERIOUSLY..Stiles you knew he was coming didn't you,fuck this I'm leaving' you took your jacket and ran out the room.'Goodbye Mr.Stilinski' you said leaving the house 'Good..'he got cut off bye the door closing.

Stiles POV

'Y/N..No I ' I heard the door close.'What did you do!?' my dad asked 'Nothing!' I said 'well obviously you did...' he said sipping his bear.I just rolled my eyes and went upstairs


Here thanks for reading if you have any suggestions please say them and....

I love you all and I'll see you all later bye❤

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