Chapter 1

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"Raegan, can you come in here please?" A voice came from the main office.

Raegan got up from her desk, entering her boss' office, her heels clacking against the white stone floor.

"I need these reports filed and organised, and your attendance at my remaining meeting for today. I'm needing a nap and a good shag," he winked before donning his designer grey blazer and smacking her ass on his way out.

Raegan took a deep breath, grinding her teeth. She took a look at his schedule for today, checking the times and what she had to do for each meeting. Luckily, there was only one left for today, three hours from now. She set herself an alarm, beginning her work on the massive pile of papers on Azazel's desk of ebony; another of his expensive custom-made possessions. She lugged the pile in sections across the room to the other side of the office; where the filing cabinets resided like skyscrapers. After she had completed her task, she moved onto his second and last of the day: the meeting. Bringing her MacBook from her own office, she went back to sit in his desk chair, made of Italian leather, imported as a custom-made item. She just hoped they were an easier client than the usual ones. Soon enough, Azazel's intercom buzzed from his desk.

"Raegan, Danian's arrived and waiting here in the main lobby. Are you ready for him to enter the main office?" Rose asked.

Raegan rubbed her forehead, running her hands down her face tiredly.

"Of course, send him in."

She mentally prepared herself for belittling comments about her body and perverted eyes wandering where they shouldn't. Shortly after he walked into Azazel's office, his eyes roamed down her body and back up to her eyes. She swallowed, her muscles clenching for a moment before making her way over to him. She shook his hand firmly. He made a vulgar comment under his breath about her grip, and the award-winning smile that followed didn't make up for it. She gestured to the other side of the desk, and he sank into the cheap leather.

"I take it you're aware of Mr. Bellzi's reasons for leaving early. He does so much for this company." Raegan sat down, relishing the moments in the Italian leather.

"I am aware, the slag at the desk told me an entire two hours ago whilst I was smoking on my yacht out in the Atlantic waters." Danian raised an eyebrow.

His stereotypical posh British accent grated on her nerves whenever she heard it. He believed the accent was the reason he stole so many girls into bed when the harsh reality was it was his wealth and status.

"Our most sincere apologies for interrupting your pleasure time, and we promise we will try to do better next time."

"Better not let it happen again, pet."

"Noted, sir. What is your business here with Elinasi today?"

"Screw my business with the company, let's talk about us."

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