Chapter 9

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Watching her phone's screen, Raegan's shoulders shook as she watched the video playing on her phone. The noise playing through a singular headphone in her left ear, the My Little Pony theme song played in the background. Maeve was wearing the matching onesie to the song, with her hair in auburn pigtails on either side of her hair as she hummed along to the childish theme.

"Mae, don't cheat. You have to sing!" Raegan heard her voice say on the video.

Maeve gave a loud noise of exasperation, then did as she was told and sang along to the song, beginning to enjoy it. The video jittered about, and Raegan ran into the frame in another of the same onesie, singing with her.

"Raegan Skyland?" A voice called from in the main office.

Raegan stood from her chair, walking down the new hallway. Her flat soles were silent against the soft carpet. She knocked on the open door politely, observing the woman in the chair. On the small desk, it was well organised with a small name card.

Fayette Alani

"Welcome, please come in and take a seat." She said, gesturing to the side of the office where she couldn't see. "My name's Fayette, but please call me Faye."

She nodded before shifting her weight from one foot to the other, "The floor?"

"Of course not, come in and see."

Raegan walked into the room to see three bean bags together with a wide bookshelf behind it.

"A reading corner?" Raegan asked.

"Of course." Faye brought over a small folder, sitting in a beanbag, "Care to join me?"

Raegan walked over to the bean bags, sinking into one, "I must admit, I've never had a job interview in a bean bag..."

Fay chuckled, "So, we looked through your C-V and were thoroughly impressed I must say. However, I do have three questions if you don't mind."

Raegan gave a grin and thumbs up, "Sure thing, ask away."

"Why did you leave Elinsai?"

"Well, I wasn't being treated with any respect by the CEO, and I found out eventually he was using company money for his personal gambling addiction."

Her eyebrows pulled together, "I see, what happened?"

"I took him to court. He paid the company back in full before being fired for misconduct and poor punctuality. Turns out it wasn't just me he treated poorly."

Faye's hand flew to her chest, gasping and Raegan nodded solemnly.

"It was also because I didn't want to work there anymore since I've always dreamed of working here."

"Well, that leads to my last question. Why this company?"

"Faye, this publishing house is the last piece of my grandmother I have left. She was published with a story I listened to throughout my childhood and she passed away before the sequel was published. So I want to complete her work with the people who started it."

Faye stood up, and Raegan followed suit.

"If you can show us the book, we'll do what we can to help you. Welcome to the company, Raegan Skyland."

Faye held out her hand to shake and Raegan took it.

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