Chapter 6

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"What? I thought you'd just started your relationship yesterday!" Their Dad glared at Aspen, fists clenching. A muscle in his jaw jumped.

"No no, it's not like that, we haven't slept together I promise!" Aspen held up his hands in surrender again, shifting away slightly on the sofa.

"The onesie, what are you talking about?" Raegan huffed, "I was the one to get a date first, we've been together since yesterday morning, you didn't get your text on the dating site until Sunday afternoon!"

Maeve unlocked her phone, clicking on her message history from Taival and turning her phone around in her hand to show her sister.

"No no, we started texting on Friday night and Saturday morning. So I win. Go put on the onesie."

"Whoa, whoa." Their Mum held up her hands in front of the two. "Hang on, let me get this straight." She turned to her husband, "Raegan is old enough now, she can have sexual or otherwise relationships with who she likes."

"But-" Dad tried to interrupt, but Mum held up a hand and looked at Aspen.

"Aspen, it's fine you're dating our daughter but I think we need to be introduced if you're here to stay, even if it's six months down the line." She looked at her daughters with a frown, "Girls, what is this bet about?"

Aspen didn't move, and Raegan sighed in relief as she stood to make herself a drink.

"So, Mae and I made a bet to get a date first-"

"We talked about this, and I went out earlier-"

"But I've not seen this so-called date! When he dropped you back off, I didn't hear-- wait, who are these flowers from? "

Maeve's face heated up, "Taival, my date."

Raegan's eyebrows shot up, "Oh, so the imaginary guy has a name? Tell me, what does he do for a living? Where does he live?"

A muscle in Maeve's jaw rolled, "Look, I've only had one date with him, give me some space. He's in the next town over and works as a teacher, jeez Raegan, give me some time to know the guy and I'll invite him over when I think he's worth meeting you all. I don't want to invite some weirdo to our house if I think he's just going to bang and go." Raegan pursed her lips, half-smiling at Maeve in apology, "Raegan, I know you're worried, but he's a little shy. Give him time and I know he'll introduce himself."

"Mae's right sweetie," Their Mum piped up, "some people know they're the one after the first meeting, but others need more time. Give them a couple of months, then see," Both sisters nodded after a few moments. "Now, what's this new couple about? Tell me about yourself, sweetie, we're sorry about the harsh handling earlier."

He gave a small smile, his shoulders dropping a little as his hands separated to rest on his knees.

The next morning, Maeve woke up to a short text from Taival, he had to work today but could see her in the early afternoon. Maeve texted back with excitement and inviting him over to her house since it was going to be just her, and she was working on another website coding. After some persuasion, he agreed, and Maeve smiled as she began her morning routine. Raegan had already left for work and was working on her timetable for the week for Azazel, as his request from last night. Just as she was finishing up, Azazel walked in with Danian,

"Good morning, Sir. How was your birthday weekend?"

He looked back at Raegan, pausing at the door to his office that separated them.

"Brilliant babe, shagged a few birds then banging the next one tonight," he entered his office, his strides confident.

She breathed in, closing her eyes as she began to rub at her temples, "And so it begins," she thought to herself, getting up with her notepad and pen and knocking on Azazel's office door.

Azazel left just after lunch. Raegan slumped in her chair, rubbing her eyes. After a few moments, she got up and made her way to Rose at the front desk. She set her report on the table and waited for Rose's ever typing fingers to cease for enough time to listen to Raegan instructions she had to pass on. She didn't have to wait long, as a seconds later, she clicked on the mouse a few times, rubbing at her temples as she leaned back into her chair and turned to Raegan. Rose took the report off the desk, putting it the left of her computer.

"Hey Raegan, thanks for the report. How're you?"

"Yeah, tired but I'm good. Az told me to explain-"

"Oh, I got the email from him just now. The press is arriving in half an hour, I've forwarded the email and copied in the boss and the company so as they know it's you not him. They just want a short interview about the company's progress."

"Sure. It's only half past one, so if it's just this it's going to be a nice day."

Rose nodded, "I think we can hold the fort til tomorrow. You deserve at least one-half day a week, Raegan."

She thanked Rose, returning to her desk with a skip in her step.

An hour later, Raegan walked down the final street before her apartment. She got out her phone, setting up the voice recording app and pressing play to speak notes to herself for tomorrow. Almost finishing up on her verbal noting, her eye caught on a particular man in the window of her home sitting on the sofa with Maeve.

Azazel was in her house with Maeve. Her brain couldn't fathom that fact. Neither could she understand why they were both laughing. Her boss was an arrogant man who used women for what was between their legs, not make her sister laugh.

Raegan put up her hood and zipping into her room. She heard Maeve say a quick hello, grateful she didn't say her name and blowing her cover. He couldn't be here. Was that Maeve's new date? Was her sister his mistress? She hoped they hadn't done anything yet, thinking about what she was going to do next.

Raegan got dressed in her casual wear, light blue jeans, a white vest and a plaid shirt tied in a knot around her hips. Pacing her room she roughly pulled her hair into a messy bun and pulling it out again. She stopped mid-step, her foot in the air, an idea coming to her. Then, swivelling around on her grounded heel, her eyes narrowed at her door. She got out her phone, If she didn't believe her own sister and took Azazel's side, she'd hear Azazel's confession off her phone.

Raegan paced her bedroom, dragging her hands down her face. She stopped mid-step, her foot in the air. Then, swivelling around on her grounded heel, her eyes narrowed at her door. Taking out her phone, she decided she would record her conversation with him for Maeve. If she didn't believe her own sister and took Azazel's side, she'd hear the truth from her.  

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